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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
Landspreading: An Option for Water Based Drilling Mud Waste Management: Abstract
One of the major problems encountered as we approach a new century is environmental pollution. Environmental pollution can not be accepted as inevitable for our technological society. Soils contaminated by oil and other pollutants is a pervasive problem to the environment.
Drilling activities in the oil and gas industry generate waste muds which contains oil and heavy metals, as well as mud compounds and additives. Wastes produced from drilling activities are categorised as Oil Base Mud (OBM); Water Based Mud (WBM); and Cuttings, which are both WBM cuttings and OBM cuttings.
At Mobil Oil Indonesia, Water Based Mud and WBM Cutting wastes are processed using the Landspreading Method to remove and minimize pollutants. On the other hand, Oil Based Mud and OBM cuttings are recycled at the Mobil Liquid Mud Plant Facility - Arun Field. Experiences show these methods are environmentally sound and economical.
This poster describes the experiences of Mobil Oil Indonesia, Inc. in processing Water Based Muds and WBM cuttings, which are non-hazardous drilling waste, using the Landspreading Method. Procedures, methods, and process control are also discussed.
Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes
1 Pertamina BPPKA
2 Mobil Oil Indonesia, Inc.
3 Mobil Oil Indonesia, Inc.
Copyright © 2006 by the Indonesian Petroleum Association