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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
Environmental Management Policy in Refineries to Anticipate Era of Business Openness: Abstract
In the free trade, competition in the all sectors is increasing. One of the effects of business openness is that environmental issues in companies are getting more attention from the world.
Compliance with national and international regulations and standards for environmental aspects will be stricter. Companies have no real choice but to comply with this regulations as otherwise they will lose business to the competition.
Oil companies, including PERTAMINA Refinery of Balikpapan, have product waste such as air pollution material, sludge, waste water, etc., that must be promptly handled and managed.
Proper handling will of course require more proactive and predictive efforts by companies to increase the environmental awareness by all levels of company employees, from top Management down to employees who actually perform the work.
This poster discusses the environmental management policy in PERTAMINA Refinery of Balikpapan, including strategies such as environmental issues, cleaner production, waste management, and the Environmental Management System, in order to achieve ISO 14,000 certification.
Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes
1 Pertamina
2 Pertamina
3 Pertamina
Copyright © 2006 by the Indonesian Petroleum Association