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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
Logging Cost Efficiency
Obtaining high quality geological and geophysical data for formation evaluation can be expensive, both in terms of rig time and contractor costs. TOTAL Indonesie, however, has seen a progressive decline in evaluation costs without a reduction in the quality and quantity of the data acquired.
TOTAL Indonesie's standard open hole evaluation suite includes array induction resistivity, digital sonic, litho-density, compensated neutron, gamma ray, and advanced wireline formation testing. Oil base dipmeter and VSP data are also acquired as needed.
The critical path to realizing a significant evaluation cost reduction includes:
• Effective application of new technology.
• Pre-planning and optimization of the logging program with the contractor.
• Standard Operating Procedures focused on efficiency.
• Effective contract procurement and negotiation.
• Use of logging while drilling technology in specific circumstances.
Upon effective implementation with six rigs in 1998, TOTAL Indonesie has realized a reduction in logging related to operating time by 28%. All efficiency efforts have reduced the overall logging cost by MMS$ 10.00. Savings of this magnitude are achievable and significant, especially at a time of low commodity prices.
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