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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


28th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 1), 2002
Pages 249-260

Direct Hydrocarbon Response Technique Application and Opportunity in Barito-Kutai Interbasinal High

Stephen T. Jacobs, Norman D. Meyer


Geological and geophysical interpretation can be greatly assisted with a direct indicator of present-day conditions that can point out valid traps containing subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations. The Direct Hydrocarbon Response Technique (DHRT) is such a tool, which utilizes spectral anomalies. From September 2000 to March 2001 DHRT data acquisition over the North Tanjung Block PSC in South & Central Kalimantan was performed. After application of the technique methodology, preliminary results show 27 new leads and prospect confirmations on this well-known inter-basinal high.

Besides DHRT anomalies indicating a number of new leads, strong evidence of one giant prospect is seen, and an interesting aspect was highlighted - the previous exploration activity in the southern part of the block has been outside of the apparent Previous HitmigrationNext Hit paths newly described by application of DHRT. Applied correctly, it is apparent that this tool can greatly improve exploration focus, assist in the understanding of the current geological picture, and enhance block hydrocarbon prospectivity.

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