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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


28th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 1), 2002
Pages 71-86

An Intelligent Rock Physics Approach for Predicting Permeability Distribution

Bambang Widarsono, Fakhriyadi Saptono, Patrick M. Wong, Suprajitno Munadi


Previous HitReservoirNext Hit permeability is a dominant factor in determining Previous HitreservoirNext Hit productivity. A new approach for permeability prediction uses a combination of intelligent computing (artificial neural network or ANN) and statistical rock physics with a full utilization of core data, well logs and seismic-derived properties. The integrated method first uses ANN to develop functional transformations from well logs to porosity, followed by seismic-derived acoustic impedance and Poisson's ratio to porosity. Permeability is then simulated throughout the Previous HitreservoirNext Hit using the porosity-permeability relationship observed in core analysis. The proposed method is applied to a limestone Previous HitreservoirNext Hit in East Java. Validation is carried out by comparing the results to the observed data at well locations as well as by geological justification. The application has shown a potential for supporting Previous HitreservoirTop modeling.

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