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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


28th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 2002
Pages 259-269

A Recovery Factor Correlation for a Bottom Water Previous HitDriveNext Hit Gas Previous HitReservoirNext Hit

Dwi Pujiastuti, Tutuka Ariadji


One of the most important parameters in estimating recovery factor for a water Previous HitdriveNext Hit gas Previous HitreservoirNext Hit is residual gas saturation. However, very limited references have examined this topic.

The objective of this paper is to find a correlation between residual gas saturation and recovery factor of a gas Previous HitreservoirNext Hit under bottom water-Previous HitdriveNext Hit using a finite difference simulator. The Previous HitreservoirNext Hit model used in this study is a 2-D radial, 2-phase water-gas flow. The generated model was validated with a published analytical method for cumulative water influx and initial gas in place calculation.

A sensitivity analysis was then conducted by applying several different values of residual gas saturation to the Previous HitreservoirNext Hit model input. The values of the residual gas saturation vary between 0.28 and 0.38. The simulations were run until specified recovery factors corresponding to certain Previous HitreservoirNext Hit abandonment pressures. Performance of the Previous HitreservoirNext Hit pressure with respect to cumulative production was plotted for difference values of residual gas saturation. Hence, the resultant Previous HitreservoirNext Hit abandonment pressures can be correlated with the residual gas saturation data and recovery factors.

The correlation obtained is visually presented in a chart of residual gas saturation versus abandonment pressure for different values of recovery factor. The result also shows that the recovery factors decrease when the residual gas saturation increases for a certain Previous HitreservoirTop abandonment pressure. The relationship is not linear, and validates as well as broadens the very limited available literatures.

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