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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
Innovative Business Partnership Produces Effective Water Conformance Treatments
Historically, water conformance treatments have often proved to be problematic and unreliable. Often, expectations are unrealistic and candidates poor. In addition, wells are treated individually and subsequent unrepresentative results are taken to be the norm. Products or processes that are genuinely effective under the right conditions are often written off as failures, due to ineffective placement or use on unsuitable candidates. However, this does not have to be the case. With proper candidate identification, correct treatment selection and effective treatment placement, water conformance treatments can be placed with a high degree of success.
This paper will describe the processes necessary for this to be achieved. These fall into three main stages – candidate selection, treatment selection and treatment execution. Each one of these stages is critical. For the process to work, the right treatment has to be placed at the right point, in the right well. The paper will also detail the care taken in the candidate selection process and illustrate just how critical this is. It will go on to discuss the need for good treatment design and the effective placement of the system selected. The paper will conclude by providing case histories from the offshore Java Sea area, to illustrate just how effective this process can be.
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