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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


29th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 2003
Pages 1-9

Indonesian Safety Practice: Reaching Out Towards an International Benchmark

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Safety benchmarking is an important instrument in the evaluation of the safety performance for the oil and gas industry. By comparing Indonesia's safety performance with the best safety performances of the oil and gas industries in the world (the benchmark) we may find ways to increase process and labour safety in Indonesian oil and gas operations.

In recent years the oil and gas operations in the North Sea are considered to represent the highest standards (the top-of-the-world) in safety for the oil and gas industry. In the first step of this benchmark study, seven Key Performance Indicators for safety are used to assess the gap between Indonesia and the North Sea. These indictors are: fatalities, lost-time injuries, spills, blowouts, fires, certified management systems and approved Safety Cases.

In the second step the differences in performance between Indonesia and the North Sea are consequently analysed to identify international best practices that can assist in improving the safety performance in Indonesia.

Environmental Resources Management (ERM) conducts safety projects for the oil and gas industry worldwide. The lessons learned from these projects are used complementary to the analysis of the benchmark to give guidance on how to improve the safety performance.

Best international practice with regards to training of personnel, contractor management, risk assessment and safety management could very well be used as examples of how Indonesian safety practice can be developed towards an international level and international standards.

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