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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
Control of Regional and Local Structural Development on the Depositional Stacking Patterns of Deepwater Sediments in Offshore Brunei Darussalam
A 3D seismic survey covering an area of 10,000 square kilometers has been used to image the deepwater basin in-fill sediments in offshore Brunei Darussalam. A comparison of the depositional patterns of the basinward deepwater sediments with the more landward deepwater sediments indicates the different types of structural controls on sedimentation. The more landward sedimentary package has been influenced by local structural development resulting in isolated basins of ponded sediments. The basinward deepwater sediments record the regional tectonic scale events that have resulted in large areas of mass movement and re-deposition of sediments. A combination of horizon mapping, seismic facies analysis and seismic attribute mapping defines he stacked sedimentary sequences. The results are used for the prediction of expected sediment types.
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