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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Petroleum Geology



Journal of Petroleum Geology, vol. 20(1), January 1997, pp. 3-25
©Copyright 1997. Scientific Press, U.K. All rights reserved.

THE DISTRIBUTION OF APTIAN SANDSTONES IN THE CENTRAL AND NORTHERN NORTH SEA (UK SECTORS): A LOWSTAND SYSTEMS TRACT "PLAY", Part 1. Stratigraphy, biostratigraphic age determination, and genesis of the sandstones

S. Crittenden*, J. M. Cole**, and M. J. Kirk+

This paper discusses the lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and depositional sequence stratigraphy of the sandstones within the late Aptian Sola Formation in the Central and Northern North Sea (UK sector). The genesis and age of these sandstones are discussed and three depositional models are proposed. These sandstones have reservoir potential, and an exploration strategy is discussed in part two of this paper (referred to hereafter as Crittenden et al., in press).

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