Journal of Petroleum Geology, Vol.5,
No.4, pp.341-362, 1983
©Copyright 2000 Scientific Press,
Gordon J. MacDonald*
*The Mitre Corporation, Vienna, VA
22180, USA.
Thermodynamic calculations for the C-O-S-H
system indicate that at a fixed oxygen fugacity methane is in a
stable phase relative to carbon dioxide at high pressures and low
temperatures. At a constant temperature and pressure, methane is
favored at low oxygen fugacities. Volcanic gases and near-surface
igneous rocks exhibit high values of oxygen fugacity. However,
direct measurement of the oxygen fugacity of spinels from
peridotites of deep origin indicate that the oxygen fugacity of
these rocks is low, corresponding to an iron - wüstite buffer.
The relative abundance of the carbon isotopes C12 and C13 varies widely
in natural gases. Methane formed by bacterial fermentation is
highly enriched in the lighter isotope, while methane from deep
deposits is much less so as is the methane flowing from
hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise. Except In extreme
cases, the carbon isotope ratio cannot be used alone to assess
whether methane is biogenic or abiogenic. The carbon isotope
ratio in coexisting methane and carbon dioxide can be used to
estimate the temperature at which the two gases came into
isotopic equilibrium. This ratio indicates a high temperature of
equilibration for a number of gas deposits. The carbon and helium
isotope ratios together with their geologic settings are strongly
suggestive that the large quantities of methane in Lake Kivu and
the gases venting along the East Pacific Rise are abiogenic.
Methane associated with the Red Sea brines and various geothermal
areas may also be in part abiogenic. The high abundance of carbon
in the Sun, the atmosphere of the outer planets, carbonaceous
chondrites and comets, suggests that carbon may be more abundant
in the Earth than it is in near-surface igneous rocks. Such a
high abundance could lead to a progressive outgassing of methane
at depth, which then is oxidized near the surface or in the
atmosphere. Methane hydrates are stable at low temperatures and
high pressures. Today, methane hydrates are found in areas of
permafrost and in ocean sediments. Methane hydrates in ocean
sediments were first formed about 20 mya (million years ago) when
the Antarctic ice sheet reached sea level. Terrestrial methane
hydrates formed more recently during the glaciations beginning
1.6 mya. Methane hydrates and trapped gas are probably abundant
under the Antarctic ice sheet. The formation of methane hydrates
may be related to the low values of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere some 20,000 years ago.