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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Petroleum Geology


Journal of Petroleum Geology, Vol.15, No.2, pp. 245-246, 1992

©Copyright 2000 Scientific Press, Ltd.


Z. R. Beydoun* and A. H. Sikander**

+ For reasons of space, only the Abstract of this paper appears in this issue.

* American University of Beirut, Lebanon, and Marathon International Petroleum (GB) Ltd., London, U.K

** Petro-Canada International Assistance Corporation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Scientific Director,
Technical Manager, respectively, UNDP/World Bank Red Sea - Gulf of Aden Regional Hydrocarbon Study Project.

Abstract +

The results and conclusions of the UNDP/World Bank Red Sea - Gulf of Aden Regional Hydrocarbons Study Project (June, 1989 - January, 1992) are summarised. These results were derived from detailed examination of pooled public-sector data provided to the project by the participating bordering states in the region; these included samples and logs from ca. 56 wells drilled in the two basins (out of a total of 71 wells), and some 30,000 line-kms of reflection seismic (out of 110,000 km available). Well-logs were digitised and correlated, and basin-wide biostratigraphic, lithostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental studies, source-rock organic richness, quality and maturity studies and sedimentological analyses were performed by contracted specialist staff in the UK and France, and integrated with basin-wide seismic structural and isopach mapping for selected regional reflectors/intervals by national task forces in Cairo under project supervision; academically-derived crustal seismic and other geophysical data, and industrially-derived velocity and other Previous HitboreholeTop data were also integrated for the Red Sea,

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