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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Montana Geological Society



Montana Geological Society: 1993 Field Conference Guidebook: Old Timers' Rendezvous Edition: Energy and Mineral Resources of Central Montana
---, 1993

Pages 239 - 242

Hydrogeology of the Madison Group in Central Montana

Richard D. Feltis, 355 Low Bench Road Gallatin Gateway, Montana 59730


This paper describes the general Previous HithydrologyNext Hit of the Madison Group (Mississippian) in central Montana. Previous reports and data compilations have been published concerning various aspects of the Previous HithydrologyNext Hit of the Madison on both a local and regional level. Some of these reports are cited below. Information about water in the Madison is also available in oil and gas exploration reports. These data are available in the files of state and federal agencies.

Understanding the Previous HithydrologyTop of the Madison Group requires knowledge of the recharge and discharge areas, aquifer permeability, formation structural configuration, chemical water quality, and the potentiometric surface.

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