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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
Upper Cretaceous Sequence Stratigraphy of the Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming
Three scales of sedimentary cyclicity are observed in the Campanian to Maastrichtian-aged strata of southwestern Wyoming based on sedimentary stacking patterns, facies successions, paleontological data and geometric criteria from outcrop, and subsurface data. The largest scale of sequence stratigraphic interpretation is of 10–15 million years duration per cycle and is designated as second order. Second-order cyclicity is represented by profound sequence boundaries and maximum-flooding surfaces that are related to regional tectono-subsidence drivers. The 2nd-order sequence boundaries at the base of the Ericson Formation (Moxa Unconformity) and the base of the Fort Union Formation (Laramide Unconformity) locally erode thousands of feet of section on discrete structural highs, but also show evidence of uplift on a broader scale. Both unconformities terminate long successions of marine shoreline progradation. Second-order maximum flooding surfaces are present within thick marine mudstone successions of the Baxter-Niobrara and Lewis formations. These intervals represent the deepest water deposits in the Upper Cretaceous and are associated with important regional seals and source rocks.
The large-scale tectono-cyclicity is composed of an aggregate of smaller-scale, 3rd- and 4th-order sequences and their component systems tracts. In addition to the second-order sequences described above, third-order sequence boundaries are interpreted at the base of the Blair Formation, base of the Chimney Rock Member of the Rock Springs Formation, and at the base of the Canyon Creek Member of the Ericson Formation. Third-order maximum flooding surfaces are in the middle Blair Formation, middle Black Butte Member of the Rock Springs Formation, and in the upper part of the Rusty Member of the Ericson Formation. At least 7 additional 4th-order sequences can be interpreted within these successions.
The higher-order cycles are shorter in duration and smaller in magnitude (i.e., thinner and with a smaller degree of change in environments or bathymetry within a cycle). The sequence stratigraphic interpretation approach is observationally based and consistent across these scales. However, finer-scale sequence stratigraphic interpretations, especially at the 4th-order scale, are subject to additional subjectivity. An important challenge is to separate apparent cyclicity related to factors such as local to regional shifting of depocenters (autocyclicity) from regionally correlative cyclicity (allocyclicity) within the high-frequency sequences. Examples of this are provided, most clearly for the lower portion of the Blair Formation. Such considerations are important economically, as this is the scale that controls sandstone reservoir and mudstone seal architecture within petroleum fields.
Standard systems tracts criteria using parasequence stacking patterns are extended to non-marine strata by use of the degree of amalgamation (net/gross) of the fluvial sandstones. This approach is demonstrated to be plausible via physical ties to shoreline systems using regional correlations and paleontology, and via estimates of accommodation change from geohistory analysis.
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