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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists


The Mountain Geologist
Vol. 59 (2022), No. 3. (August), Pages 251-260

A Brief History of Notable Colorado Seismicity and Seismic Stations1

Kyren Bogolub


Colorado has over a hundred years of history in seismic research and monitoring. It has experienced both unintentional and intentional induced seismicity, being one of the first places in which the phenomenon was observed. The state has had numerous tectonic earthquakes, the largest being a historical, estimated magnitude 6.6, that occurred in 1882. Being far away from tectonic plate boundaries, Colorado earthquakes are a unique window into the study of intraplate tectonics and continental rifting. Beginning with the earliest seismometer installed in the state in 1909, this article presents a history of Colorado seismic stations, earthquake activity, and active fault mapping.

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