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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists


The Mountain Geologist
Vol. 60 (2023), No. 4. (December), Pages 141-158

Helium – Relationships to Other Reservoir Gases and Some Implications for Exploration: The New Mexico Example

Ronald F. Broadhead


Helium (He) is the second most abundant element in the universe after hydrogen but is relatively rare on earth. He occurs as two stable isotopes, 3He and 4He. 4He is the dominant isotope in crustal gases and is a radiogenic decay product of uranium and thorium mainly in granitic basement rocks. 3He is dominantly primordial and primarily originates from the earth’s mantle. 3He may also be formed by radiogenic decay of 6Li (Lithium) which may be found in argillaceous sediments deposited in evaporitic settings. Although He occurs in most natural gases, it almost always occurs in extremely low, subeconomic concentrations, less than 0.1%. It is rare in concentrations more than 1%. A very few small reservoirs have gases with more than 7% He.

Other gases that constitute the dominant components of helium-bearing natural gases are nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4). The highest He concentrations occur where the dominant gas is N2 but most He has historically been produced as a byproduct of gases that are hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons are generated from petroleum source rocks. Their presence in a reservoir is dependent upon the presence of a mature source rock in the basin and a migration path between the source rock and the reservoir. Large accumulations of CO2 in the southwestern U.S. resulted from the degassing of rising Tertiary magmas and subsequent migration of the gases into crustal reservoirs. N2 appears to originate mostly from degassing of the mantle but may also be formed in some strata by the thermal maturation of kerogens or by diagenetic alteration of clays or organic compounds in red bed sequences.

The presence of economic concentrations of He in reservoir gases is dependent not only on an adequate source of 4He generated from granitic basement rocks but also on accommodating flux rates of N2, CO2, and CH4. These gases differ in their origins, places of generation and rates of generation, migration and emplacement. While basement-derived 4He and N2 enter reservoirs at slow rates over long periods of geologic time, hydrocarbons and CO2 enter the reservoir over much shorter time periods and dilute the 4He and N2. Basement-derived gases may be characterized by differing N2:He ratios which may indicate greater rates of He production within the crust in some areas.

Exploratory drilling for He on Chupadera Mesa in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s encountered He-rich gases in Lower Permian strata. Isotopic analyses suggest that 93% of Chupadera Mesa He originated from radiogenic decay in crustal rocks while 7% is derived from the mantle or with a possible contribution by evaporitic Permian shales. Marked differences in the CO2 concentrations in different strata indicate that some strata acted as carrier beds for magmatically-derived CO2 while strata with N2-rich and CO2-poor gases were isolated from CO2 sources.

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