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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
An Oil and Gas Play Turns into a Prime Helium Prospect
Black Exploration, LLC drilled a wildcat oil and gas test on a large structure on the Zia Pueblo in early 2023. The primary objectives were oil and gas. However, helium potential was also recognized as a possible secondary objective. This large structure sits adjacent to some of the largest reported air corrected mantle, He and CO2 degassing carbonic and geothermal springs in the Rocky Mountain region. The prospect overlies a classic Synthetic Overlapping Transfer Zone between the northern Albuquerque Basin and the southern Espanola Basin in the Rio Grande rift in Northern New Mexico. Recognition of possible deep crustal and upper mantel faulting as well as surface geologic mapping, gravity, seismic and geo-microbial techniques helped delineated the prospect. A possible explanation for why high mantle derived helium is concentrated in this area is the intersection of the ancient Jemez Lineament and the more recent Rio Grande rift. This wildcat has now discovered helium and white hydrogen in the Abo formation. If economically productive the well will be the first helium discovery in the Rio Grande Rift. This could open the rift and its sub basins into a large, new oil, gas and helium and hydrogen producing province.
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