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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Williston Basin Symposium



Second Williston Basin Symposium, April 23, 1958

Pages 59 - 63


Paul J. Lewis, Northwest Geological Service Billings, Montana Bismarck, North Dakota
Previous HitMauriceTop H. Smith, Northwest Geological Service Billings, Montana Bismarck, North Dakota


In the study of carbonate rocks with the binocular microscope, large features can adequately be observed but most fine components and their textural arrangement are difficult if not impossible to decipher. The photomicrolog has been developed and placed in production as a solution to some of the problems encountered by logging geologists.

The photo-log portion is composed of photomicrographs of rock thin sections prepared from core and drill chips. The photo-log depicts, by means of successive photomicrographs, the details of the lithology in a selected stratigraphic series of rocks. The photomicrograph enlargement is X10.

Thin sections vividly reveal the composition and texture of carbonate rocks. A rapid, yet relatively accurate, porosity evaluation can be attained. Also, from the photo-log portion, an accurate determination of the environment of depositions can be made. The photomicrolog and the techniques employed therein can be applied both regionally and locally.

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