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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Oklahoma City Geological Society
Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Permian Red Beds and Related Copper Deposits, Payne, Pawnee, and Noble Counties, Oklahoma
"Red bed" copper deposits in Payne, Pawnee, and Noble Counties, Oklahoma, are in deltaic, interdeltaic-deltaic, and shallow marine environments. The deltaic facies includes copper-bearing distributary and interdistributary facies, and the interdeltaic-deltaic facies consists of rocks deposited in tidal flats and interdistributary bays. The deltaic types predominantly occur in the middle part of the stratigraphic section, whereas the interdeltaic-deltaic and shallow marine environments occur in the upper and lower parts of the column.
The mineralization commonly is replacements of carbonaceous material, disseminations of chalcocite, malachite, and azurite, and pyrite nodules containing chalcocite, malachite, and azurite. Minor quantities of covellite, tenorite, gold, and silver have been reported. The majority of the mineralized zones were located geochemically using stream sediments. Factor analysis clearly indicates that copper increases in a northerly direction. The residuals of trend-surface analysis of copper in bed rock coincide with known subsurface structural features.
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