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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Oklahoma City Geological Society


The Shale Shaker Digest IX, Volumes XXVII-XXIX (1976-1979)
Pages 231-248

Surface and Subsurface Study of the Southwest Davis Oil Field Sections 11 and 14, T 1 S, R 1 E, Murray County, Oklahoma

Elliot W. Wiltse


That a wrench system provides traps for hydrocarbons has been shown but that production from such a system is possible on the flanks of the Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, is new. Hydrocarbon accumulation is shown to result from a convergent wrench system which shows characteristic en echelon folds, a main wrench Previous HitfaultTop, thrust faults, the dip of which steepen with depth, and possible antithetic strike-slip faults and extension joints. The thrusting is particularly interesting since it provides the major trapping mechanism by sandwiching the producing unit between impermeable rocks. This complex system is further complicated by the existence of a buried high.

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