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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Oklahoma City Geological Society
Review of C. E. Jacob's Doublet Well
C. E. Jacob, noted hydrologist, received patents on his doublet well invention in 1965. Due to his death soon thereafter, no paper was written or published describing his invention. The purpose of this paper is to stir interest in his original doublet theory and make known a technique that can be useful to the hydrologists.
Jacob's patents are for a single location doublet well that produces fresh water or petroleum from underground reservoir formations without contamination by underlying heavier liquid. By use of packers, water is pumped from one horizon and discharged into a different horizon. A closed cell is created whereby the heavier liquid is recirculated below the streamline boundary, while lighter fluid passes into the well and is raised to the surface.
The doublet well as proposed by Jacob has the potential to increase the usefulness of ground water. It permits a greater rate of production of the lighter liquid than previously possible. It is applicable to saline intrusion and oil vs. brine situations. The single doublet is also a possible mechanism for the ground-water heat pump.
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