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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Oklahoma City Geological Society


A Guidebook to the Geology of the Western Arkoma Basin and Ouachita Mountains, 1968
Pages 109-121

Previous HitStructuralNext Hit Geology of the Potato Hills, Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma

J. K. Arbenz


New geologic mapping and evidence from a 7100-foot well supports the interpretation that the axial culmination of the Potato Hills in the Oklahoma salient of the Ouachita Mountains is the result of multiple thrusting. The Potato Hills fault appears to be a folded thrust exposed in a fenster, as suggested by Miser in 1929, overlying at least four more thrust slices of Middle Ordovician rocks. A major thrust, believed to be the Windingstair fault, has been penetrated by the drill at the base of these slices, beneath which Carboniferous shales and sandstones have been encountered.

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