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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Oklahoma City Geological Society


The Shale Shaker
Vol. 48 (1997), No. 1. (July/August), Pages 7-14

AVO Analysis of a Pennsylvanian Age Channel Sandstone in the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma

Eric Kubera


A seismic line which images a gas producing channel sand was acquired in September, 1994, in the Arkoma basin. The dataset was processed to retain relative seismic reflection amplitudes and was subsequently analyzed for anomalous amplitude behavior.

Statistical determination of several amplitude attributes was performed, and the results were displayed as 'attribute plots'. The attribute plots were examined for information that would describe the nature of the amplitude anomalies.

The reflection event interpreted to represent the top of the productive channel stands out from the rest of the section, and shows significant amplitude Previous HitvariationNext Hit. The Amplitude Previous HitVariationTop with Offset (AVO) signature of the channel sand is determined to be a positive normal incidence reflection of moderate relative amplitude, displaying a strong increase in amplitude with increasing offset.

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