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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Oklahoma City Geological Society
Abstracts of Oral and Poster Presentations at the 1997 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, September 14-16, 1997, Hosted by the Oklahoma City Geological Society
The Dickens Project - Advances in Surface Geochemical Technology [Abstract]
Surface Exploration Technologies (SETs), specifically Surface Geochemical Technology, with low cost and quick data turn-around, are proving to be strong complements to traditional G&G in the more cost-effective oil and gas exploration of the 90's. A pragmatic discussion, with key case studies from the Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin in West Texas, will cover the strengths, as well as weaknesses, of these tools when integrated with subsurface geology and seismic.
SET remains, at present, qualitative- almost an art. Issues and questions to be covered include: Why use surface geochem on our project? At what point in the exploration model should this technology enter? Is surface geochem better at finding oil and gas than seismic? Is the micro-seeping anomaly, as detected on the ground surface, near-surface, ocean bottom or ocean surface, a true 100% vertical projection of the shallow or deep trap? When do I use the reconnaissance versus detail tools? Why so many types of surface exploration methods? Why is the areal size of a survey more important than the sampling density?
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1 JM Usseglio Consulting Group, Grapevine, TX
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