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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Oklahoma City Geological Society


The Shale Shaker
Vol. 59 (2009), No. 5. (March/April), Pages 183-201

Depositional Setting, Facies, and Petroleum Geology of Cabaniss Group in Portions of Washita, Custer, Blaine, Caddo, Canadian, and Grady Counties, OK, Part 1

Kurtis Boucher


The objectives of this study were to examine depositional setting and establish sandstone fancies, distribution, and petroleum geology for the Cabaniss sandstones. Depositional setting was determined from Previous HitcrossNext Hit-section-supplemented interval isopach Previous HitmapsNext Hit, while depositional environments were interpreted from core-correlated wireline electrofacies. All data were integrated to explain the petroleum geology of the hydrocarbon-bearing zones.

Cabaniss Group sandstones represent environments that include: incised-valley fill, distributary channel, delta front, marginal marine, and prodelta. Sandstone distribution patterns and thickness trends reveal that the Cabaniss Group was deposited over a relatively stable shelf that experienced subsidence during deposition of the Lower Skinner Sandstone. A depocenter formed that trapped sand-sized Lower Skinner sediments and prevented their westward transport. The lack of accommodation after deposition of the Lower Skinner sediments forced the Upper Skinner sediment dispersal system to the west. The lack of Prue sandstone bodies infer that sand-sized sediment was deposited to the east or north.

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