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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Oklahoma City Geological Society
Geochemical insights into the Oswego Formation in Kingfisher County, Oklahoma
The Oswego Limestone is a prolific reservoir in north-central Oklahoma. This study presents a geochemical overview of the mineralogy and organic content of the Oswego Formation in Kingfisher County to better understand its petroleum prospectivity. X-ray diffraction shows that the formation is largely calcite and dolomitic. Clay content is inversely proportional to the amount of quartz. These trends reflect depositional processes and environments that were principally controlled by eustatic sea level changes. Organic geochemical results show that the oil potential of Oswego Formation in Kingfisher County ranges from poor to fair and maturity indicators suggest a greater likelihood of gas generation towards the southeast. Most of the hydrocarbons in the Oswego reservoirs appear to be migrated oil rather than locally sourced.
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