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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Pacific Section of AAPG


Environmental Concerns in the Petroleum Industry, 1989
Pages 217-227

New Directions in Environmental Protection in Oil And Gas Operations

R. L. Arscott


Since the passage of the National Environmental Protection Act in 1970, the oil and gas industry has made tremendous progress in developing techniques, procedures and less toxic materials for the protection of human health and the environment. The toxicity of drilling fluids and their disposal is tightly controlled to minimize the effect on the environment. Waste management programs are becoming more common to reduce the generation of waste and to recycle waste products. Numerical models are available to simulate discharge dispersion in marine environments. Toxicologists have produced a large database on the effect of toxins in the environment, and more information is being developed on the effect of toxicants on native aquatic species and on the complete food chain. Cooperative agreements between industry, government agencies, environmental groups and others are becoming more popular to develop acceptable mitigation procedures.

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