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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Pacific Section of AAPG


Applications of horizontal Drilling in California, 1992
Pages 107-125

Extended Reach Drilling from Platform Irene a Case Study of Well A-21

John. L. Hood III


Platform Irene well #A-21 was completed in July 1991 in the Pt. Pedernales Field, offshore California. The well currently holds the domestic record for the longest horizontal displacement at 14,671′ (over 2-frac34.gif (860 bytes) miles). The fact that this displacement was achieved at a true vertical depth (TVD) of only 5,033′ makes the accomplishment of this feat even more significant. This paper discusses the planning, drilling, and completion of this record-setting well and focuses on the innovative technology developed to accomplish this task.

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