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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists


Gas Shale in the Rocky Mountains and Beyond, 2008
Pages 229-239

Chapter Eight: Understanding Coring Operations for Shale Gas Exploration

M. Anna Ilhan


In the attempt to understand a shale and/or coal gas reservoir, oil & gas exploration companies are extensively evaluating formation characteristics such as petrophysical and mechanical properties, in-situ stress analysis, and/or gas-in-place estimates. The current demand for field services personnel and equipment, resulting in rising costs, increases the need for effective and efficient field operations, including coring operations. Previous HitSelectingTop the appropriate coring application for shale and/or coal gas exploration program may, at times, be confusing and may result in applying the wrong technique in a given setting wasting money and potential losing valuable data.

This paper describes various shale gas coring techniques, provides insight into the advancements in coring technologies, and evaluates the coring technologies at various depths, pressures, and project exploration and development needs.

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