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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)


A Field Guide to Environments of Deposition (and Trace Fossils) of Cretaceous Sandstones of the Western Interior; Field Trip No. 3, 1985
Pages 131-142

Vanishing Tracks Along Alameda Parkway: Implications for Cretaceous Dinosaurian Paleobiology from the Dakota Group, Colorado

Martin G. Lockley


Locally well-known but poorly documented dinosaur tracks from the Alameda Avenue road cut are described in detail. The study indicates that it is necessary to combine both historical and current information in order to provide a complete picture of the track assemblage (ichnocoenosis) which has altered significantly over the years due to the effects of both erosion and vandalism. The most significant conclusions of the current study relate to the observation that the tracks of herbivorous ornithopods are probably attributable to hadrosaurs, a group not normally considered to have been well established before the Campanian. Evidence from the Alameda locality indicates that the tracks can be dated as Late Albian to Early Cenomanian in age. In Dakota-type facies, where body fossils are rare, tracks and other trace fossils assume greater importance for paleoecologic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions.

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