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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 9,078 Results. Searched 197,586 documents.
Abstract: 3-D Seismic and Reservoir Modeling, Ram Prospect, Viosca Knoll Block 912, Offshore Gulf of Mexico, by W. Carew, P. F. Ostendorf, and G. K. Krum; #90989 (1993).
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Abstract: Impact of 3-D Seismic Data on the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation/Chevron Nigeria Limited Joint Venture Development Drilling Program, by S. Quam; #90990 (1993).
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ABSTRACT: The Application of 3-D Seismic Data in Carbonate Reservoir Modelling, by Jurgen Grotsch and Andre van den Berg; #91019 (1996)
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Is 3-D Seismic Data the Bass-Finder of Oil and Gas?--Examples of some “honey-holes” in Southwest Alabama, by K. B. Hill; #90901 (2001)
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Advancing Carbon Storage in Offshore Louisiana: Evaluation and Modeling Potential of Two Major Depleted Reservoirs in Vermilion_014 Field
Ahmed Eleslambouly, Mursal Zeynalli, Andreas Moncada, Ahmed Fathy, Seda Rouxel
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)
... information is the responsibility of and is subject to corrections by the author(s). Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from...
CSPG/CSEG/CWLS GeoConvention 2013, May 6-12, 2013 Calgary TELUS Convention Centre & ERCB Core Research Centre, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; - Abstracts, #90187 (2014).
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Intra-Basement Intrusions in the STACK Area of Oklahoma; #42229 (2018)
Satinder Chopra, Lennon Infante-Paez, Kurt J. Marfurt
Search and Discovery.com
... frequency, “wormy” character. For these two reasons, relatively little has been published on the appearance of basement features in 3-D seismic data volumes...
3-D Seismic Prediction of Reservoir Properties, West Moose Field, Ector County, Texas
George P. Watts, Timothy D. Lyons, Archie R. Taylor
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...3-D Seismic Prediction of Reservoir Properties, West Moose Field, Ector County, Texas George P. Watts, Timothy D. Lyons, Archie R. Taylor 185...
Air Injection Enhanced Oil Recovery and 3-D Seismic: Revitalizing the Aging West Hackberry Field in Northern Cameron Parish, Louisiana
Jeff A. Spencer, Chip Story, Travis H. Gillham, T. Hodge Walker , D. J. Masse
GCAGS Transactions
...Air Injection Enhanced Oil Recovery and 3-D Seismic: Revitalizing the Aging West Hackberry Field in Northern Cameron Parish, Louisiana Jeff...
Thermodynamic Behavior of Liquid-Supercritical CO2 Fracturing in Shale
Xiaojiang Li, Gensheng Li, Wei Yu, Haizhu Wang, Kamy Sepehrnoori, Zhiming Chen, He Sun, Shikun Zhang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... is the responsibility of, and, is subject to corrections by the author(s). Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this paper does so...
The Influence of Pore Structure in Rocks on the Entrapment of Oil
N. C. Wardlaw
CSPG Special Publications
..., The influence of fluid viscosity, interfacial tension, and flow velocity on residual oil saturation left by a waterflood: J. Soc. Petrol. Eng., v. 15...
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Chapter 10: Earthquake, Tomographic, Seismic Reflection, and Gravity Evidence for a Shallowly Dipping Subduction Zone beneath the Caribbean Margin of Northwestern Colombia
Rocio Bernal-Olaya, Paul Mann, Carlos A. Vargas
AAPG Special Volumes
..., and M. Schmitz, 2010, A 3-D lithospheric model of the Caribbean-South American plate boundary: International Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 100, p. 1697...
Chapter 13: The Zama Discovery in Salina del Istmo Basin, Offshore Tabasco: “A New Dawn” for Offshore Mexico Exploration
David Kosmitis, John Parker, Michael Albertson, Alex Obvintsev, David Tett, James Pasley, Matthew Carr
AAPG Special Volumes
... ties away from the three-dimensional (3-D) volumes. Talos created multidisciplinary teams dedicated to the Mexico project to address the challenges...
Bruce S. Hart
Special Publications of SEPM
...Summary Bruce S. Hart Copyright © 2012, Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) 3-D Seismic Interpretation: A Primer for Geologists (SC48), 2000...
Abstract: From Rocks to Models: Three-Dimensional Visualization as a Tool to Integrate Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy into Reservoir Models, by TINKER, SCOTT W.; #90938 (1997)
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AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7: Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 13: An Automated Method for Inferring 3-D Salt Movements from the Suprasalt Sedimentation Pattern
Cornelius, R. R., Lawrence M. Cathles III, Alex Erendi
AAPG Special Volumes
...AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7: Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 13: An Automated Method for Inferring 3-D Salt Movements from...
2017 AAPG Southwest Section Annual Convention
Search and Discovery.com
3-D Seismic Reservoir Characterization for the Independent Producer, Sooner Unit, Weld County, Colorado, by D. S. Singdahisen, M. T. Kramer, and E. F. Jaynes; #90986 (1994).
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Abstract: 3-D Seismic Stratigraphic Inversion: A Tool for High-Resolution Stratigraphic Analysis and Reservoir Characterization, by P. Johann and F. Fournier; #90933 (1998).
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Seismic Interpretation of the Wyoming Overthrust Belt
W.D. Williams, J.S. Dixon
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... Instrument dephase, time variant filter, spectral whitening, surface consistent statics, migration 1 I Williams and Dixon Wyoming Overthrust Belt...
Transformation of point-to-line source seismogram in a 2D geological model
Moosoo Won, Bing Zhou, Mohamed Jamal Zemerly, Mohammad Al-Khaleel, Mohamed Kamel Riahi
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... of the transformation is derived by comparison of 3-D and 2-D Green’s function inhomogeneous acoustic media, so it doesn’t guarantee accurate transformation...
Integrated Reservoir Characterization of Thin Bed Reservoir in Desert Area, #20391 (2017).
Jie Chen, Jixiang Lin, Jie Li, Yu Lin, Yaonan Li, Jing Bie, Yuzhen Wang
Search and Discovery.com
... is carried out to detect thin inter-bed reservoirs, to predict the distribution of residual oil and to optimize the development plan. The integrated reservoir...