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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 9,020 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
ABSTRACT: Quantitative Reservoir Description from 3-D Surveys, by Catherine Lewis; #91020 (1995).
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Abstract: Significant Reserve Additions from Oligocene Hackberry Sands Utilizing 3-D Seismic, Upper Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast, by R. L. Zamboras; #90955 (1995).
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Understanding Field Development History Using 3-D Seismic Survey: ABSTRACT
J. P. Johnson, M. R. Bone
AAPG Bulletin
...Understanding Field Development History Using 3-D Seismic Survey: ABSTRACT J. P. Johnson, M. R. Bone 1980 729 729 64 5. (May) A mature oil and gas...
Field Appraisal with 3-D Seismic Surveys, Offshore Trinidad: ABSTRACT
Robert M. Galbraith, Alistair R. Brown
AAPG Bulletin
...Field Appraisal with 3-D Seismic Surveys, Offshore Trinidad: ABSTRACT Robert M. Galbraith, Alistair R. Brown 1981 929 929 65 5. (May) The Southeast...
Abstract: 3-D Seismic and Offset VSP Data for Delineation of a Horizontal Well Trajectory: Bloque IV, Lake Maracaibo, by C. Barrientos, S. Johnston, K. Leon, L. Stewart, and I. D. Bryant; #90951 (1996).
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ABSTRACT: , by ; #91021 (2010)
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Abstract: 3-D Seismic Revives Kings Bayou, by J. C. Holliday and D. A. Nolisch; #90932 (1998).
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Abstract: Bobcat Run South Field, Orange County, Texas -- Oligocene Frio Formation Hackberry Sand Discovery Utilizing 3-D Seismic Data, by R. L. Zamboras; #90932 (1998).
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Abstract: Kern River Field: Integration of 3-D Property Models, 2-D Maps and Flow Unit Volumetric Calculations, by R. A. Langen; #90920 (1999).
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3-D Geologic Model of the Lewis Shale in the Great Divide and Washakie Basins, Wyoming, by D. Suryanto; #90902 (2001)
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Abstract: 3-D Geologic Modeling and Fracture Interpretation of the Tensleep Sandstone, Alcova Anticline, Wyoming, by Nathaniel Gilbertson; #90033 (2004)
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A New Analytical Method to Evaluate Maximum Flexure for Improved Fracture Characterization From 3-D Seismic Data
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ABSTRACT: Digital Mapping of Outcrops, Techniques for Building 3-D Delta Front Architecture. Example from the Cretaceous Panther Tongue Sandstone, East-Central Utah; #90007 (2002)
Cornel Olariu, Xueming Xu, Rui Ge, Carlos L. V. Aiken, Janok P. Bhattacharya
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Digital Mapping of Outcrops, Techniques for Building 3-D Delta Front Architecture. Example from the Cretaceous Panther Tongue Sandstone...
ABSTRACT: A Unified 3-D Seismic Workflow; #90007 (2002)
Oz Yilmaz
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...ABSTRACT: A Unified 3-D Seismic Workflow; #90007 (2002) Oz Yilmaz AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90007©2002 AAPG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas...
ABSTRACT: Application of 3-D Interpretation and Visualization Technologies to Low Net: Gross Fluvial Reservoirs-Experiences in Greenfield Exploration and Development Settings; #90013 (2003)
Dan Bishop
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...ABSTRACT: Application of 3-D Interpretation and Visualization Technologies to Low Net: Gross Fluvial Reservoirs-Experiences in Greenfield Exploration...
ABSTRACT: A New Technique to Improve 3-D Fault Geometry Interpretation from a Seismic Dataset: An Example from a Welded Growth Fault Family, Offshore Angola; #90013 (2003)
David Dutton, Dustin Lister
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...ABSTRACT: A New Technique to Improve 3-D Fault Geometry Interpretation from a Seismic Dataset: An Example from a Welded Growth Fault Family, Offshore...
ABSTRACT: A Khuff Reservoir Giant Field 3-D Geological Model Integrating an Uncertainty Approach; #90013 (2003)
Catherine Bagliniere
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...ABSTRACT: A Khuff Reservoir Giant Field 3-D Geological Model Integrating an Uncertainty Approach; #90013 (2003) Catherine Bagliniere AAPG Search...
ABSTRACT: Surface to Subsurface: 3-D Structural Interpretation and Visualization of Complex Fold-Thrust Structures; #90013 (2003)
Shankar Mitra, Joseph Dischinger, Subhotosh Banerjee
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...ABSTRACT: Surface to Subsurface: 3-D Structural Interpretation and Visualization of Complex Fold-Thrust Structures; #90013 (2003) Shankar Mitra...
ABSTRACT: 3-D Seismic-Geologic Model of North La Barge Field, Sublette County, Wyoming; #90013 (2003)
Rafael R. Sanguinetti, Thais A. Guirigay, Neil F. Hurley
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...ABSTRACT: 3-D Seismic-Geologic Model of North La Barge Field, Sublette County, Wyoming; #90013 (2003) Rafael R. Sanguinetti, Thais A. Guirigay, Neil...
ABSTRACT: Integration of Outcrop, Process Models and High Resolution 3-D Seismic in the Development of the Holstein Field, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: A Subsurface Analog for Ponded-Basin Turbidite Reservoirs; #90013 (2003)
Tom Byrd, Eric J. Ekstrand
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Integration of Outcrop, Process Models and High Resolution 3-D Seismic in the Development of the Holstein Field, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico...
ABSTRACT: Imaging of Cretaceous Fault System: A 3-D seismic Case Study in Onshore Bahrain; #90051 (2006)
Cheruku Bapu Reddy, Naji Ahmed Qassim
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...ABSTRACT: Imaging of Cretaceous Fault System: A 3-D seismic Case Study in Onshore Bahrain; #90051 (2006) Cheruku Bapu Reddy, Naji Ahmed Qassim AAPG...
Optimum Design of 3-D Geometry for Minimizing Acquisition Footprint
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3-D Seismic–A Glimpse at What’s Inside: Part 2 Initiating the 3-D Project
David L. Walton
West Texas Geological Society
...3-D Seismic–A Glimpse at What’s Inside: Part 2 Initiating the 3-D Project David L. Walton 1997 5 9 Vol. 37 (1997) No. 2. (October) Acquisition...