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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 9,081 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.

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Interpreting 3-D Seismic Data

Bruce S. Hart

Special Publications of SEPM

...Interpreting 3-D Seismic Data Bruce S. Hart Copyright © 2012, Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) 3-D Seismic Interpretation: A Primer...


Porosity Evolution of Lacustrine Organic-matter-rich Shales in China

Songtao Wu, Ling Su, Xiufen Zhai, Rukai Zhu, Jinggang Cui

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... information is the responsibility of, and, is subject to corrections by the author(s). Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from...


Well Design Evolution in a Semi-Conventional Reservoir: Example from the Nuiqsut Formation of North Slope, Alaska

Colin O'Farrell, Craig Knutson, Tim Crumrine

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... All information is the responsibility of, and, is subject to corrections by the author(s). Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained...


3-D Reservoir Characterization and Integrated Completion Optimization for Understanding Horizontal Well Spacing and Frac Staging of the Niobrara Formation, DJ Basin

Meagan Stephens, Jack Wiener, Muthukumarappan Ramurthy, Pat Kundert, John-Bosco Tran

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...3-D Reservoir Characterization and Integrated Completion Optimization for Understanding Horizontal Well Spacing and Frac Staging of the Niobrara...


Enhanced Thermal Recovery and Reservoir Characterization

Christopher Phillips

Pacific Section of AAPG

... three-dimensional (3-D) deterministic and stochastic geologic models. Developing 3-D deterministic and stochastic thermal reservoir simulation models...


A Deep Learning-Based Surrogate Model for Rapid Assessment of Geomechanical Risks in Geologic CO2 Storage

Fangning Zheng, Birendra Jha, Behnam Jafarpour

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

... herein. All information is the responsibility of, and, is subject to corrections by the author(s). Any person or entity that relies on any information...


Chapter One: Introduction to AAPG Memoir 42/SEG Investigations in Geophysics, No. 9, 7th Ed.

Alistair R. Brown

AAPG Special Volumes

.... In practice, the residual Fresnel zone may be about twice this size. Figure 1-8. Effect on Fresnel zone size and shape of 2-D and 3-D migration. The accuracy...


Chapter 6: Structural Interpretation of Seismic Geologic Reality, Perspective, and 3-D Thinking

Peter Boult, Brett Freeman, Graham Yielding

AAPG Special Volumes

...Chapter 6: Structural Interpretation of Seismic Geologic Reality, Perspective, and 3-D Thinking Peter Boult, Brett Freeman, Graham Yielding 2016 75...


An Interpreter's Guide to Improvements in Depth Imaging Through Model-Based Velocity Estimation and Refinement

Andy Furniss

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... complicated and terms to account for the dip azimuth must also be introduced. Despite these corrections, the Dix transform will still produce...


Using 3mD Seismic to tmprove Definition of a Bighorn Basin Anticline, Badger Basin Field, Park County, Wyoming

Jerome P. Walker, Daniel D. Hollis, Kevin M. Revels, Kenneth L. Grubbs

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... potentially undrained by existing wells. Thus, a detailed picture of the structure, which could only be provided by 3-D seismic, was necessary for additional...


3-D Tomographic Amplitude Inversion for Compensating Transmission Losses in the Overburden

Barry Hung, Kefeng Xin, Sergey Birdus, James Sun

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...., 1981, Surface consistent corrections: Geophysics, 46, 17-22. Zhou H., Gray S., Young J., Pham D., and Zhang Y., 2003, Tomographic Residual Curvature...


Long Beach Unit 3-D Survey

George E. Otott Jr., Donald D. Clarke, Todd A. Buikema

Pacific Section of AAPG

...Long Beach Unit 3-D Survey George E. Otott Jr., Donald D. Clarke, Todd A. Buikema 1996 51 55 Chambers Group, 1994, An Environmental Analysis...


Abstracts: The Importance of 3-D in Stimulation Modeling of Unconventional Reservoirs; #120181 (2015)

Daniel Moos

Search and

...Abstracts: The Importance of 3-D in Stimulation Modeling of Unconventional Reservoirs; #120181 (2015) Daniel Moos AAPG/SEG/SPWLA HEDBERG CONFERENCE...


Three-Dimensional Depth Imaging of Seismic Data, with Examples from the Overthrust Belt of Southwestern Wyoming

Alvin K. Benson

Wyoming Geological Association

... model needed, and the necessary static corrections that may be needed, an efficient two-step process involving in-line and cross-line data for 3-D depth...


Utilizing Seismic in Exploring for Subtle Traps

Kevin Werth, Patrick Bygott, Edward Teyland


... Award AAPG Fundamental 3-D Seismic Survey Design Stuart Wright Western Geophysical Co., Englewood, Colorado ABSTRACT A properly designed 3-D seismic...


Coalbed Methane Multicomponent 3-D Reservoir Characterization Study, Cedar Hill Field, San Juan Basin, New Mexico

Thomas L. Davis, Robert D. Benson, Edward L. Shuck

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...Coalbed Methane Multicomponent 3-D Reservoir Characterization Study, Cedar Hill Field, San Juan Basin, New Mexico Thomas L. Davis, Robert D. Benson...


Perspectives on Horizontal Drilling in Canada

Robert G. Farquharson, Lawrence M. Spratt, Peter C.M. Wang

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... apply to 3-D processing. However complications can arise in 3-D quality control, statics, velocity analysis, and migration (Rijles and Jauffred, 1991...


Three-Dimensional Depth Imaging of Seismic Data to Help Delineate Petroleum Reservoirs in the Williston Basin

Alvin K. Benson

Williston Basin Symposium

... with nearby well data, and the imaging is done in 3-D. A dome model is studied to illustrate (a) the complications produced...


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