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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 20,723 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Abstract: 3D Acquisition - Perils and Pitfalls

Patrick Buckley

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... stages of acquiring your data set. Though modeling and formulas are an integral aspect of planning the 3D seismic acquisition program, field knowledge...


Abstract: Grayson Field, Jurassic Smackover Reservoir, Columbia County, AR: A Case Study Using Leading Edge Reservoir Characterization Seismic Processing of 3D Seismic Data

Kevin B. Hill and William R. Meaney

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... Processing of 3D Seismic Data Kevin B. Hill and William R. Meaney 2002 13 17 The discovery well at Grayson Field, Columbia County, Arkansas, was drilled...


Abstract: Support Vector Machine (SVM)-based Geostatistical Inversion: An Integrated Solution to Honor Well-log Data and Seismic Attributes; #90171 (2013)

Yexin Liu

Search and

..., volume of shale and permeability. In order to incorporate well-log data to seismic attributes, the synthetic seismograms can be generated from logs...


High Effort 3D Design for End of Life Field Cravo Norte 3D

Keith Meyerholtz

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... and New 3D In order to provide reliable information for inversion and aid in the data processing, a key goal in the design of the new 3D was to ensure...


Three Dimensional Geological Modeling using Seismic Inversion in a Reservoir Integrated Study for a Giant Heavy Oil Field: Rubiales Field, Eastern Llanos Basin, Colombia, South America, #20218 (2013)

Yohaney Gomez, Diego Morales, Thais Kazmierczak, Franklin Yoris, Gabriel Alvarez, Claudia Reina, Libia Landaeta, Diego Castellanos

Search and

... volume and porosity volume (from Elastic Seismic Inversion) and laboratory data from 14 cores. The integration of different disciplines and the use of 3D...


Quantification of Connectivity in Images

Yaokun Wu, Siddharth Misra

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... to which geobodies are connected where the connectivity can be used to quantify characteristics of a 3D reservoir model and may have implications...


Sedimentology and Petrophysical Character of Cretaceous Marine Shale Sequences in Foreland BasinsPotential Seismic Response Issues

W. R. Almon, Wm. C. Dawson, F. G. Ethridge, E. Rietsch, S. J. Sutton, B. Castelblanco-Torres

AAPG Special Volumes

.... 125135.International Center for Diffraction Data, 1993, Mineral powder diffraction file databook: ICDD, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, unpaginated.Jennings...


Fracture Potential of Challenging Rocks: From Initiation to Productive Stimulated Rock Volume; #120190 (2015)

Uno Mutlu, Jian Huang, Reza Safari, Mojtaba Pordel Shahri

Search and

..., extensive sensitivity analyses should be performed within the framework of advanced 3D geomechanical models. These models utilize rate and pressure...


Integrated Geophysical Studies Over an Active Growth Fault in Northwest Houston, Texas

Mustafa Saribudak and Bob Van Nieuwenhuise

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... borehole data (on both the down- and upthrown sides of the faults) including geophysical logs, core and other borehole data; and geophysical surveys...


Reservoir Modeling by Constraining Stochastic Simulation to Deterministically Interpreted Three-dimensional Geobodies: Case Study from Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Long Lake Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage Project, Northeast Alberta, Canada

Milovan Fustic, David Thurston, Adal Al-Dliwe, Dale A. Leckie, Dany Cadiou

AAPG Special Volumes

... three-dimensional (3-D), object-based (geobody) model, which integrates data from closely spaced wells, high-quality 3-D seismic data, and sound geologic...


Reservoir Description: A Synergistic Approach to More Accurate Determination of Oil and Gas Reserves

D G Bowen, T Kennaird, J Hill, E J Frost

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... lacking, or not applied. OBTAINING REPRESENTATIVE DATA Combined use of 3D seismic, vertical seismic profiling (vsp) and well test analysis is widely...


The plug drum effect, or why your microseismic events may not be where you think they are

Guillaume Bergery, Zhishuai Zhang, Jing Du, D. Diller, T. Shuck, B. Fish

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... model in order to locate the microseismic activity. Despite the numerous velocity data usually available - such as check shot VSP, sonic logs...


A Review of Reservoir Modelling Methodologies

Gordy Shanor, Mark Whelan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... softwares enables asset teams to perform a vast range of data and time critical quality control (QC) tasks in conjunction with immediate 3D visualization...


Abstract: Robust Rank-Reduction Filters for Erratic Noise; #90174 (2014)

Stewart Trickett, Lynn Burroughs, and Andrew Milton

Search and

... at removing Gaussian random noise. Prestack seismic data, however, often contains spatially erratic noise which is far from Gaussian, sometimes causing...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: A Custom Software Approach to Sharing Multidimensional Geoscience Research Findings

John R. Andrews, Lesli Wood, James C. Gibeaut

GCAGS Transactions

... to the software, hardware, or data underlying the research. We have responded to this problem by developing a unique software product for exploring 3D...


Quick 3D Formation Model for Unconventional Carbonate Reservoirs by Resistivity Imaging While Drilling in Horizontal Wells; #41326 (2014)

Da-Li Wang, Zong-Gang Lv, Hai-Run Peng, and An-Fu Zhou

Search and

...Quick 3D Formation Model for Unconventional Carbonate Reservoirs by Resistivity Imaging While Drilling in Horizontal Wells; #41326 (2014) Da-Li Wang...


Geocellular Model for Tertiary Reservoirs in Manhera Tibba Gas Field, Jaisalmer Basin, Rajasthan, India; #20456 (2019)

Rajesh Pandey, B.P. Nonia, S. Mahanti, U.C. Pradhan, Abhayanand S Maurya

Search and

... Methodology Prominent seismic reflectors of the Tertiary Formations i.e. Khuiala Top and Parh Top were tied up with 3D seismic data using synthetic...


Magnetotelluric inversion using supervised learning trained with random smooth geoelectric models

Lian Liu, Bo Yang, Yixian Xu, Dikun Yang

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

.... We propose a straightforward approach to generating abundant representative labeled samples for 2D or 3D inversion of magnetotelluric (MT) data...


Abstract: 3D Fractured Basement Modeling based on 3D Seismic Attribute: A Preliminary Exploration Study of Hydrocarbon Potential in Basement Reservoir; #90307 (2017)

Bella Dinna Safitri, Budi Malaysetia Amboro, M. N Alamsyah, Beiruny Syam, Nyoman Suta

Search and

...Abstract: 3D Fractured Basement Modeling based on 3D Seismic Attribute: A Preliminary Exploration Study of Hydrocarbon Potential in Basement...


Elastic multiparameter full-waveform inversion application on sparse ocean-bottom node data

Denes Vigh, Xin Cheng, Bing Bai, Zongcai Feng, Kate Glaccum

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... data in a 3D manner and undertake the challenge of executing 3D elastic fullwaveform inversion (EFWI) at large scale with field data. The OBN data...


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