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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 20,723 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Benefiting from Variogram Information to Characterize Facies Distribution in History Matching with EnKF; #41315 (2014)

A. Abadpour, P. Bergey, R. Piasecki, and T. Blanchard

Search and

... Inversion of Production Data and Seismic Attributes: Application to a Synthetic SAGD Produced Field Case: Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP...


Non-Seismic Geophysical Modelling Methods for Realistic Characterisation of 3D Geology in Greenfields Exploration: a Case Study from the Southern Carnarvon Basin, Australia

Helen Gibson, Chloe Burney, Desmond FitzGerald, Matt Zengerer

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... useful for mapping of the Wandagee and Kennedy Faults in 3D; (ii) Depth to basement processing concurred with the available seismic section data...


The Process of Sand Injection: Internal Structures and Relationships with Host Strata (Yellowbank Creek Injectite Complex, California, U.S.A.)

Anthony Scott, Mario Vigorito, Andrew Hurst

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... significant volumes of mudstone clasts into sandstones at the margins of the injectite. Using microtextural data corrasion is identified as a typical...


Abstract: The Use of 3D Seismic in Baram Delta Operations, Sarawak (Paper 6)

Ton ten Have, Foo Wah Yang

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... to optimise the hydrocarbon inventory and further development of these fields. The 3D seismic data quality is adversely affected by the presence of: i...


ABSTRACT: Multi-scale Data Integration for 3D Reservoir Modeling of Seminole San Andres Unit; #90007 (2002)

Laura C. Zahm, Mark D. Sonnenfeld, Donald H. Caldwell, Steven R. Clawson, Hai-Zui Meng, Thomas P. Wingate

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...ABSTRACT: Multi-scale Data Integration for 3D Reservoir Modeling of Seminole San Andres Unit; #90007 (2002) Laura C. Zahm, Mark D. Sonnenfeld, Donald...


ABSTRACT: Unravelling the Structural Complexity of a Marginal Field - The Asuokpu/Umutu Case Study; #90115 (2010)

Austin O. Avuru, Victor A. Adeleke, and Taju O. Gbadamosi

Search and

...-delta necessitated the reprocessing of the 1990 vintage Orogho 3D Seismic data acquired by Shell Petroleum Development Company. The section of the 3D...


Abstract: Seismic Driven Machine Learning Model for Well Circulation Losses Prediction; #91204 (2023)

Amin Alali, Unknown Author, Taher Sodagar, Saidi Hassani, Florian Karpfinger, Valerian Guillot, Rasesh Saraiya

Search and

..., the 3D surface seismic data are the single tools attainable in the areas with limited wells control, so it is the only source of data used for initial...


Abstract: An Integrated Workflow to Assess, Process, and Interpret Photogrammetry, Sedimentology, and Geophysical Data for Three-Dimensional Carbonate Outcrop Investigation of the Late Jurassic Stromatoporoid/Coral Buildup; #91204 (2023)

Ahmad Ramdani, Pankaj Khanna, Gaurav Gairola, Sherif Hanafy, Volker Vahrenkamp

Search and

.... Integrated outcrop and “behind-the-outcrop” data allow the measurements of buildups morphology in 3D. The buildups are 3D pseudo-ellipsoid...


ABSTRACT: Upstream Research -- Who Will Do It and How Will They be Trained?; #90007 (2002)

Stephen A. Holditch

Search and

... of halokinesis. Widespread, good quality 3D depth seismic data tied to recent deep-water wells have enabled a considerable improvement in our understanding...


Deepwater West African 3D Seismic Data

Chris Irons, Richard Bray, Peter Abrahamson, SAER Ltd, Geoex Ltd

GEO ExPro Magazine

...Deepwater West African 3D Seismic Data Chris Irons, Richard Bray, Peter Abrahamson, SAER Ltd, Geoex Ltd There is renewed exploration interest...


The Blasillo Field (Upper Miocene), Salina del Istmo Basin, Southeastern Mexico, Part 2: Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Architecture

Humberto Torres-Sastré, Paul Weimer, Renaud Bouroullec, James Adson

GCAGS Transactions

... Characteristics The dataset for this study is summarized in Torres-Sastré et al. (2014, this volume). Data consist of wireline logs from 101 wells, a 3D...


ABSTRACT: When Good Logs Lie: Pitfalls of Using Log Correlations in Reservoir Mapping; #90111 (2010)

Louis J. Mazzullo

Search and

... is only possible with good sample or core control, and good ties to 3D seismic data. AAPG Search and Discovery #90111©2008 AAPG Southwest Section, Abilene...


Reservoir Modeling Insights from Experimental Stratigraphic Analogs, #51310 (2016).

Sean Connell, Victor Pusca, Richard Sech, Andrew Madof

Search and

... that recorded deposition during six sediment-flux cycles and two subsidence regimes. The dataset was sampled at different resolutions to generate synthetic...


Evaluation of Electron Tomography Reconstruction Methods for a Barnett Shale

Laura Frouté, Emeric Boigné, Matthias Ihme, Anthony R. Kovscek

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...-dimensional (3D) structure from multiple 2D projections presents several challenges. In particular, because of the limited transmission of electrons...


Age Dating of Expected MCSB Seismic Event Suggests That It Is the K/T Boundary

Dohmen, Ted E.

GCAGS Transactions

... the synthetic trace tie to the 3D seismic along the borehole of the well. The correlation of the event is problematic because it requires jump correlating...


Ground-penetrating radar imaging of carbonate mound structures and implications for interpretation of marine seismic data

Lars Nielsen, Lars Ole Boldreel, Finn Surlyk

AAPG Bulletin

...Ground-penetrating radar imaging of carbonate mound structures and implications for interpretation of marine seismic data Lars Nielsen, Lars Ole...


ABSTRACT: Quantitative Integration of 4D Seismic for Field Development; #90007 (2002)

Garnham, Gail Riekie, Malu Jensen, Liz Pointing

Search and

.... Zones 3 and 4 are the pay zones, zones 5 and 2 are non-net, and zone 1 is reservoir below the fluid contact (Figure 1). Seismic data over the field...


Abstract: Mapping of Basement Relief and Volcanic Intrusions of Parecis Basin in Brazil Based on 3D Magnetotelluric Imaging and Potential Field Data; #90255 (2017)

Emanuele La Terra, Leonardo Vital, Isabella Santos, Leonardo Miquelutti, Sergio Fontes

Search and

...Abstract: Mapping of Basement Relief and Volcanic Intrusions of Parecis Basin in Brazil Based on 3D Magnetotelluric Imaging and Potential Field Data...


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