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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 20,723 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Abstract: 3D Pore Pressure Prediction Model on Talang Akar and Gumai Formation of Betara Structure, Jambi Sub-basin; #90307 (2017)

Lia Reulina Ketaren, Budi Malaysetia Amboro, M.N Alamsyah, Andri Syafriya, Lucky K. Muhtar

Search and

...-rift sequence dominated by fine grained sediments (shales) with low permeability. A Preliminary study has been done with availability data to make 3D...


Abstract: Modelling of an Ancient Fluvial Depositional Environment Using 3D-Photogrammetry and Paleohydrology, the Middle Pennsylvanian Allegheny Formation, South-Central West Virginia, USA; #90308 (2017)

Olu-Segun Abatan, Amy Weislogel, B. Mitch Blake

Search and

... to construct a 3D photomosaic which captures sedimentary features from an outcrop of an ancient fluvial deposit. This data is then combined with channel...


Recovering Subsurface Coverage in the Emerging Smackover Brown Dense Unconventional Play in Northern Louisiana, #80515 (2016).

Richard Verm

Search and

... ([email protected]) Abstract 3D seismic data are an essential component of industry E&P programs to provide accurately imaged continuous subsurface coverage...


The Utilization of 3D Seismic for Small Fields in the South Natuna Sea Block B

Kenneth M. Dickerman

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... processing and interpretation of these data have provided valuable information on reservoir geometry and faulting. In addition the 3D seismic data are now...


Mapping Middle Triassic Doig Sandstone Reservoirs in Northeast British Columbia Using Seismic Attributes; #51080 (2015)

Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, James Keay

Search and

... as the synthetic seismograms were overlaid on the seismic data and were found to be matching reasonably well. One such correlation is shown in Figure 2...


Predicting Reservoir Heterogeneity in the Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation in the Western Powder River Basin - An Integrated Stratigraphic, Sedimentologic, Petrophysical and Geophysical Study

Michael Hofmann, Samuel Fluckiger, Andrew Hennes, Jeff Zawila, Haihong Wang

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... accomplished through geostatistical inversion of the 3D seismic data. The resultant mapping of the seismic facies distributions offer an added geologic...


Reservoir Description using hybrid seismic inversion: A 3D case study from María Inés Oeste field, Argentina

M. Benabentos, S. Mallick, M. Sigismondi, J. Soldo

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... these hydrocarbon-bearing sands. In this paper, we apply hybrid seismic inversion on a three-dimensional (3D) seismic data set from María Inés Oeste...


Acoustic impedance interpretation for sand distribution adjacent to a rift boundary fault, Suphan Buri basin, Thailand

S. Ronghe, K. Surarat

AAPG Bulletin

... support previously published models of structural-sedimentation interactions in rifts. Brown, A. R., 1996, Interpretation of three-dimensional seismic data...


Comparing and Contrasting a Meandering Point Bar Sequence and Barrier Island System within the Upper Arang Formation, Belanak Field, West Natuna Basin

Haniva Navilova, Baskoro A. Kurniawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... systems can be distinguished from high quality 3D seismic data and stratigraphic correlations from well data. The reservoir depositional models...


Methods for seismic Sweet Spot Identification, Characterization and Prediction in Shale Plays

Marita Gading, Lars Wensaas, Paul Collins

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... Stochastically inverted 3D seismic data can be used to predict vertical stacks of predefined lithology classes away from well control. Elastic inversion...


Unlocking Near-Fault Attic and Updip Play in Latin Field, Rokan Block: A Success Story of Integrated Fault Interpretation and Real Time Drilling Monitoring

Gian Fernanda, Jimmy Antoni, Endo Finaldhi, Rizaq Faidul Hisan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Field. DATA AND METHODOLOGY Data In term of fault interpretation, the Latin Field has good quality 3D seismic data acquired in 1997 with Bin Size...


Unique Multidisciplinary Approach to Model and Optimize Pad Refracturing in the Haynesville Shale

Tao Xu, Garrett Lindsay, Jason Baihly, Raj Malpani, Efe Ejofodomi, Dan Shan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... The unique approach in this workflow was the ability to couple simulated 3D reservoir pressure with a geomechanical finiteelement model (FEM) to quantify...



S. M. Mozzaffar Alam, M. Wasimuddin, and S. M. Sayeed Ahmad

Search and

... data. The 3D seismic data was acquired over the Zaur field in 1998 and found to be relatively better than 2D. The mapping of 3D seismic data suggested...


Abstract: Seismic Study of a Possible Eroded Impact Structure, Southern Alberta; #90224 (2015)

Wei Xie and Douglas R. Schmitt

Search and

... of the densely collected seismic data in Alberta, a number of craters have been found by examining the processed seismic images. More recently, a potential...


Three-Dimensional Structural Evolution of a Salt-Cored, Domed, Reactivated Fault Complex, Jebel Madar, Oman; #30180 (2011)

Johan S. Claringbould, J. Frederick Sarg, Brittney B. Hyden, and Bruce D. Trudgill

Search and

... in the study area. Data types and scales include: geologic field mapping, photo-realisitic LiDAR models, high-resolution Quickbird imagery, depth elevation...


Integrated Geo-Computational Approach to Identify By-Passed Oil: A Case Study in Seruni Field, Sumatra

Muhammad Fauzi, Hazairin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Interpretation and Fault Framework The first step in evaluating the seismic data is to generate synthetic seismograms in order to correlate well marker...


Integrating Multi-Disciplinary Data for Building Fit-for-Purpose 3D Mechanical Earth Model

Peter G. Boothby, Ratih Puspitasari, Sanjay Thakur, Zachariah John Pallikathekathil, Chris Walton

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

...Integrating Multi-Disciplinary Data for Building Fit-for-Purpose 3D Mechanical Earth Model Peter G. Boothby, Ratih Puspitasari, Sanjay Thakur...


3-D Structural Evolution and Analysis of Complex Mesozoic Grabens in Guinevere Field UK Southern North Sea; #50651 (2012)

Aji Kyari and Chris Elders

Search and

... stratigraphy of Guinevere Field (Figure 7)ranges from Lower Permian to the Cretaceous. The 3D seismic data set generally has good resolution above 1.75 TWT...


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