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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,376 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Interactive Seismic Facies Classification of Stack and AVO Data Using Textural Attributes and Neural Networks; #90007 (2002)

Brian P. West, Steve R. May, John E. Eastwood, Christine C. Rossen

Search and

...ABSTRACT: Interactive Seismic Facies Classification of Stack and AVO Data Using Textural Attributes and Neural Networks; #90007 (2002) Brian P. West...


ABSTRACT: Effects of Fluid Pressure on Seismic Responses in Fractured Shale Reservoirs; #90013 (2003)

Qi Li, Feng Shen

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.... For the fractured reservoir characterization in Shengli oil field, the lithology controls the azimuthal P-P and P-SV AVO responses and the dolomitic shale...


ABSTRACT: Fracture Porosity Inversion from P-Wave AVOA Data along 2-D Seismic Lines; #90051 (2006)

Abdullatif Abdulrahman Al-Shuhail

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... on the assumption that a negative sign of the anisotropic AVO gradient indicates a gas-saturated reservoir, while a positive sign indicates liquid-saturated...


ABSTRACT Reservoir Parameter Estimation from Joint Inversion of Marine CSEM and Seismic AVO Data Using the Genetic Algorithms, #90104 (2010)

Du Z.; MacGregor L.

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...ABSTRACT Reservoir Parameter Estimation from Joint Inversion of Marine CSEM and Seismic AVO Data Using the Genetic Algorithms, #90104 (2010) Du Z...


ABSTRACT: Quantitative Reservoir Characterization of PM3 Block, Malay Basin; #90108 (2010)

Yanpeng Mi, A. Ruiter, and R. Quinn

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... an on going challenge. AVO analysis theoretically holds great promise, but accurate AVO analyses require more carefully processed 3D data than...


Abstract: A Simple Way to Improve AVO Approximations; #90211 (2015)

Charles Ursenbach

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...Abstract: A Simple Way to Improve AVO Approximations; #90211 (2015) Charles Ursenbach Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90211 CSPG© 2015 CSPG...


Abstract: An Integrated Workflow to Map Out the Seal and Reduce Exploration Uncertainties; #90319 (2018)

Hadi Balhareth, Qamar Bukhamseen, Sean Rahati, Fawaz Mohammal, Monirah Dossary, Wang Ruixiang

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... carbonate reservoirs. For a reliable elastic inversion, the seismic data are AVO-friendly processed and carefully conditioned. Well logs are used...


Observations of Azimuthal Anisotropy in Prestack Seismic Data, #41572 (2015).

David Gray

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... of the anisotropic variation in conjunction with the AVO variation in the data. This and more conventional methods are used to demonstrate the large degree...


Integrating AVO Analysis With Poststack Seismic Approaches to Better Understand Complex Faulting/Fracturing in the Niobrara Formation

James Applegate, W. Travis Brown, Doug Paul, Filip Soos

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Integrating AVO Analysis With Poststack Seismic Approaches to Better Understand Complex Faulting/Fracturing in the Niobrara Formation James Applegate...


Implementation of an Exploration Workflow to Characterize a Low Poro-Perm Gas-Bearing Prospect Using Rock Physics Depth-Trends to Assist AVO Classification; #42348 (2019)

Jorge Adrian, Gervasio Robles

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...Implementation of an Exploration Workflow to Characterize a Low Poro-Perm Gas-Bearing Prospect Using Rock Physics Depth-Trends to Assist AVO...


Cape Ford-I: A Case History of True Amplitude Processing for Inversion to Acoustic Impedance and Porosity Prediction

M. Rauch-Davies, P. Woods

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

.... A comprehensive AVO, synthetic modelling and acoustic impedance inversion study was undertaken before dri lling. The input for inversion was a CDP...


Estimation of reservoir properties using a prestack seismic probabilistic inversion in gas-bearing tight sandstone reservoirs

Yongjian Zeng, Zhaoyun Zong, Kun Li

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... seismic reflection equation for tight sandstone reservoirs can be carried out. By substituting equations (4) to (7) into the AVO reflection equation...


Abstracts: Time-Lapse VSP Data Analysis from Weyburn CO2 Project; #90173 (2015)

Amin Baharvand Ahmadi, Igor Morozov

Search and

.... After calibration, VSP data show higher quality and improved resolution, especially around the relatively thin reservoir. AVO analysis was performed...


P- and PS-Wave Vector Wavefields for Anisotropic Petrophysics

James Gaiser

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... provides additional equations for joint inversion with P-waves. Two coefficients, a radial RPSV and transverse RPSH reinforce anisotropic signatures...


Abstract: The Benefits of Integrating Seismic and Petrophysical Data

David K. Davies and Roger A. Young

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...) to all non-cored intervals and wells. Equations are developed that relate Rock Types to the sonic and shear data. These relationships are used...


Broadband seismic probabilistic AVO inversion for reservoir properties

Kun Li, Qingwen Zheng, Xingyao Yin, Yaming Yang

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...Broadband seismic probabilistic AVO inversion for reservoir properties Kun Li, Qingwen Zheng, Xingyao Yin, Yaming Yang Broadband seismic...


2D seismic surveys as an alternative for CO2 monitoring in the North Dakota CarbonSAFE project

César Barajas-Olalde, Donald C. Adams, Hansel Gonzalez, Mengmeng Zhang, Pablo Benitez, Ryan J. Klapperich, Wesley D. Peck, Panos Doulgeris

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... for CO2 monitoring. 2D and 3D surveys were compared using wave equation-based amplitude-versus-offset (WEB-AVO) inversion. The encouraging WEB-AVO results...


Sparse Layer Inversion for Prestack Seismic Reservoir Characterization

Raisya Noor Pertiwi, Muhammad Alwi, Herlan Setiadi, Khairul Ummah

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the SLI workflow for reservoir characterization using pre-stack seismic data. Part of our analysis is to understand the reliability of the AVO...


Complementary Role of Multi-Component and Conventional 3D Seismic for Risk Reduction in Unconventional Resource Plays … A Marcellus Shale Example

Tony Rebec, Zhiyong Zhao

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... 8. Register PS data to PP time Estimate Vs from seismic P-wave velocity and Gamma obtained from PS registration. Run PP-PS joint AVO inversion...


Hydrocarbon Expression on Low-Impedance AVO: A Phenomenon of Amplitude Reversal

W. Waluyo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Hydrocarbon Expression on Low-Impedance AVO: A Phenomenon of Amplitude Reversal W. Waluyo 2002 127 134 The phenomenon of AVO response is based...


Abstract: Developing an Exploration Tool in a Mature Trend: a 3-D AVO Case Study in South Texas

Mark E. Gregg and Charles T. Bukowski, Jr.

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Abstract: Developing an Exploration Tool in a Mature Trend: a 3-D AVO Case Study in South Texas Mark E. Gregg and Charles T. Bukowski, Jr. 2010 51 53...


Seismic Avo Attributes and Machine Learning Technique to Characterize A Distributed Carbonate Build Up Deposit System in Salawati Basin Eastern Indonesia

Yudistira Effendi, Edi Suwandi Utoro, Sri Lestari, Lilik T. Hardanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Seismic Avo Attributes and Machine Learning Technique to Characterize A Distributed Carbonate Build Up Deposit System in Salawati Basin Eastern...


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