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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 5,471 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Foundering of the Cambro-Ordovician Shelf Margin: Onset of Taconian Orogenesis or Eustatic Drowning
Paul A. Washington, Steven A. Chisick
Special Publications of SEPM
... accumulation) rates can the timing of the orogenic event be determined. Analysis of subsidence rates indicate a simultaneous start of the initial phase...
Stratigraphic Principles—with Some Applications to the Permo-Pennsylvanian of the Denver Basin: Text of Lecture
James A. Momper
Wyoming Geological Association
..." of awesome dimensions have been described, dwarfing in areal extent anything known in the Holocene, that apparently were in the constructional phase...
New Exploration Targets in the Northern Midland Basin: Depositional and Diagenetic History of West Smyer Field, Hockley County, Texas
A.F. Griffin, J.A. Breyer
West Texas Geological Society
... into the basin by turbidity currents alternate in core from West Smyer field. Fossils in the grainstones underwent micritization, silicification...
Successful Techniques and Pitfalls in Utilizing Biostratigraphic Data in Structurally Complex Terrain: VICO Indonesia's Kutei Basin Experience
Adi P. Kadar, David W. Paterson, Hudianto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... in a deltaic environment. The sediments of biofacies III, IV and V were clearly deposited during a regressive phase. Application of these alternate...
Experimental Study of Cross-Strata Development on an Undulatory Surface and Implications Relative to the Origin of Flaser and Wavy Bedding
Krzysztof W. Pasierbiewicz
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to the proposed interpretation, the alternate processes of deposition and erosion must occur. In a tidal environment, such a depositional phase (i.e....
The Role of Geology in Wellhead Protection Programs: Case Studies from the Coastal Plain of Eastern Alabama
Charles C. Smith
GCAGS Transactions
...), Programs that protect ground-water supplies from potential contamination and which identify and define alternate sources of ground water are known...
Wellsite Log Evaluation of the Miocene Carbonates in Salawati Basin
S. O. Ajam, L. A. Henzell, Jerry Wang, Agus M. Syarif, H. Soedirdja
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... publication. Simandoux, P., 1963, Mesures Dielectriques en Milieu Poreux, Application a mesure des saturations en Eau, Etude du Compertement des...
Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography: Part II: PART 1
John M. Muir
AAPG Special Volumes
... contain fragments of the basement rocks. They consist of shales and siliceous shales, black or dark blue in colour, which alternate with sandstones...
FRONTMATTER: Billings Geological Society: Second Annual Field Conference, 1951
Montana Geological Society
... Rock Creek, Measured Surface Section, Big Snowy Mountains Page 46 Alternate...
ABSTRACT: The Future of the Global Oil Industry: Resources, Challenges, and the Geoscience Workforce
G. Warfield Hobbs IV
GCAGS Transactions
...? Are there sufficient resources available to meet international demand? What role will alternate energy fuels play? Production in the mature sedimentary basins...
ABSTRACT: Future of the Global Oil Industry: The Resources and Challenges
I.V. Hobbs, G. "Skip" Warfield
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... and future global oil demand. How can we deal with these? Where will capital be deployed? What role will alternate energy fuels play? Do climate change...
, #90093 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT A New Depositional Model for the Upper-Jurassic - Lower-Cretaceous Mixed Carbonate Siliciclastic System in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina, #90104 (2010)
Michael Zeller, Klaas Verwer, Gregor P. Eberli, Jose Luis Massaferro, Ernesto Schwarz, Luis A. Spalletti
Search and Discovery.com
... capped by a clean carbonate interval which in turn is overlain by an aggrading upper unit in which siltstones and sandstones alternate with minor...
An Alternate Fluid Dynamic Tectonic Model That Explains Possible Precursory Hints of the December 22, 2003 San Simeon Earthquake, by Lou Blanck and Brian Bode; #90041 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Applications and Limitations of Dip Shooting
E. E. Rosaire and Joseph L. Adler
AAPG Bulletin
... operators. Shot points and recording positions alternate along some convenient straight line, so that records are taken on each geophone position...
Carbonate Bedding Cycles in Cretaceous Pelagic and Hemipelagic Sequences
Alfred G. Fischer, Timothy Herbert, Isabella Premoli Silva
Special Publications of SEPM
... stratophase) alternate with more limey beds (the calcareous stratophase), forming bedding couplets on the order of 20 to 100 cm thick. The contacts...
Simulation of seismic waves in the fluid-solid coupled thermoelastic medium
Sen Yang, Guochen Wu, Junzhen Shan, Hongying Liu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., and 𝛿 is the Kronecker-delta component. 𝐮 𝐱, t 𝑢 , 𝑢 , 𝑢 , 𝐮 𝐱, t 𝑢 , 𝑢 , 𝑢 are the fluid and solid phase displacement vectors at the fluid-solid...
Cyclic Deposits in the Cretaceous Ocozocuautla Formation of Central Chiapas, Mexico
H. G. Richards
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... It is concluded that the Ocozocuautla and Carmel cycles are very similar but that because the former represents a transgressive phase and the latter a regressive...
The Geologist's Role in Evaluation Economics
W. B. Oliver
AAPG Bulletin
... the exploration phase. 2. Comparison with other prospects implies multiple successes in the exploration program, or alternate investment opportunities...
Model for Sandstone-Carbonate "Cyclothems" Based on Upper Member of Morgan Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian) of Northern Utah and Colorado
Steven G. Driese , R. H. Dott, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... and Permian time. One depositional phase employs virtually instantaneous transgression, followed by dominantly progradational subtidal carbonate-shelf...
Sensitivity Analysis of Petroleum Formation Modeling in the Northern Gulf Basin
Eric J. Nelson, Michael D. Lewan, Paul Weimer
GCAGS Transactions
... different methods exist for determining the kinetics of a source rock. The most common method is called "Rock-Eval" pyrolysis. An alternate method...
Turn Your Workover Costs into an Investment: A Case Study in an East Coast CSG Project
Elizeu Boto, Nicholas Heyes, Don Merritt, Nima Saremi
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
.... As the organisation embraces the optimisation results, the solution is now being configured to model alternative workover approaches that can increase production...
Present Status of Oil and Gas Prospects in Mississippi
E. N. Lowe
AAPG Bulletin
... that the Selma chalk becomes less chalky and more aluminous in Mississippi than in western Alabama, and as it approaches nearer the axis of the embayment...
Application of Interferometric MASW to a 3D-3C Seismic Survey
Shaun Strong, Steve Hearn
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of this approach to a 3D-3C trial dataset provides an alternate approach for determining the S-wave receiver statics solution for converted-wave...
Relationship of Gulf Coast Basement Tectonics to Present and Future Oil and Gas Fields
J. C. Pratsch
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... practical approaches in future oil and gas exploration in the Gulf Coast Region. Likely Location of Future Petroleum Prospects Basement structure...