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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 6,060 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Outcrop Analog For a Paleozoic Shallow Marine Sandstone Reservoir: Geological And Geostatistical Models of Quwarah Member, Saudi Arabia; #90051 (2006)

Osman M. Abdullatif, Mohammed H. Makkawi, Fadhel Al-Khalifah

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...ABSTRACT: Outcrop Analog For a Paleozoic Shallow Marine Sandstone Reservoir: Geological And Geostatistical Models of Quwarah Member, Saudi Arabia...


ABSTRACT: Porosity Semivariogram Parameters for Carbonate Reservoirs; #90051 (2006)

W. Scott Meddaugh

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... be defined and their uncertainty established from the field data. For fields with few wells the semivariogram parameters are usually taken from an analog...


ABSTRACT: Geosyntax: Formal Language for Analogue Models; #90061 (2006)

E. June Hill and Cedric M. Griffiths

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... information derived from analog models. The most popular method of including this information in a stochastic model has been by the use of marked point...


ABSTRACT A Seismically Defined Ancient Anoxic Intraslope Basin in Hardin County Texas„Potential Source and Seismic Pitfall, #90104 (2010)

Blanke Steve; Meibos Lynn; Kline Paul

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... a nearby producing analog within approximately the same stratigraphic  interval as an analog, a high quality potential pay thickness of 150 feet was modeled...


ABSTRACT: Mapping, Deposition and Early Diagenesis of Stromatolites: A Modern Analog from Hamelin Pool, Western Australia; #90132 (2011)

Erica Parke

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...ABSTRACT: Mapping, Deposition and Early Diagenesis of Stromatolites: A Modern Analog from Hamelin Pool, Western Australia; #90132 (2011) Erica Parke...


ABSTRACT: Cambrian Early Rift-Fill Sediments in the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, A Granite WashŽ Analog in the Subsurface of the Arbuckle Mountains Area; #90133 (2011)

Robert E. Puckett, Jr.

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...ABSTRACT: Cambrian Early Rift-Fill Sediments in the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen, A Granite WashŽ Analog in the Subsurface of the Arbuckle Mountains...


Abstract: Integrated Evaluation of Subsurface Data: Case Study of Exploration in the Miocene of Makassar Strait; #90307 (2017)

Befriko S. Murdianto, Kirandra Ferari Budhi Prasojo, Lambok P. Marpaung, Lilik Iskandar

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... seismic and well data, calibrated to an analog from a nearby field, targeting the Upper Miocene sand rich interval in the deepwater Kutei system...


Abstract: Evaluation of Facies Controls on Distal Fine-Grained Chalky Facies in the Miocene Agua Amarga Basin, SE Spain: An Analog for Fine-Grained Reservoirs; #90321 (2018)

Craig Bennett

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...Abstract: Evaluation of Facies Controls on Distal Fine-Grained Chalky Facies in the Miocene Agua Amarga Basin, SE Spain: An Analog for Fine-Grained...


Abstract: Resolving the Timing of Mineral Growth in Searles Lake, California: A Holocene-Pleistocene Analog to Ancient Saline Alkaline Lakes; #90321 (2018)

Kristian Olson

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...Abstract: Resolving the Timing of Mineral Growth in Searles Lake, California: A Holocene-Pleistocene Analog to Ancient Saline Alkaline Lakes; #90321...


Abstract: Influence of Early Diagenetic Chert in the Formation of Mechanical Heterogeneities in a Laminated Limestone Reservoir Analog;

Germano Mário Silva Ramos, Araly Fabiana Lima de Araújo, Marcio Alencar, Osvaldo José Filho, José Antônio Barbosa, João Gabriel de Oliveira Topan, Virgínio Henrique Neumann, Antônio Celso Dantas Antonino, Ana P

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...Abstract: Influence of Early Diagenetic Chert in the Formation of Mechanical Heterogeneities in a Laminated Limestone Reservoir Analog; Germano Mário...


Structural and sedimentary evolution of the southern Songliao Basin, northeast China, and implications for hydrocarbon prospectivity

Hong-Hong Wei, Jun-Lai Liu, Qing-Ren Meng

AAPG Bulletin

... different types of transfer zones. Depositional processes and facies architecture of the basins are controlled primarily by dips and migration...


PTTC Network News - Vol. 11, No.4 - 2005

Dwight Rychel, John Curtis


... will be a module on "Hydraulic Fracturing," with a Cont. on page 2 In This Issue Environmental Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Tech Transfer Track...


Three-dimensional fault geometries and interactions within experimental models of multiphase extension

Martha Oliver Withjack, Alissa A. Henza, and Roy W. Schlische

AAPG Bulletin

..., and Roy W. Schlische 2017 1767 1789 101 11 We use experimental (analog) models to examine the three-dimensional (3-D) fault geometries and interactions...


Integrating Digital and Traditional Field Methods into Geologic Mapping: An Example from Central Texas

Brian B. Hunt, Jeffrey G. Paine, C. M. Woodruff, Jr., Mark A. Helper

GCAGS Transactions

... analog geologic maps using an integrated digital and traditional mapping approach. Geologic mapping has evolved over the last 30 years due to Global...


Seismic reflection imaging of a major strike-slip fault zone in a rift system: Paleogene structure and evolution of the Tan-Lu fault system, Liaodong Bay, Bohai, offshore China

Li-Yuan Hsiao, Stephan A. Graham, Nat Tilander

AAPG Bulletin

..., throughgoing trace longitudinally bisecting the rift valley. It consists of positive and negative flower structures and en echelon folds in the south bay...


Abstract: Modelling the 3D Architecture of Rocks and Structures of the Athabasca Basin: How Saskatchewan is Tackling the Challenge from Down Under; #90172 (2014)

C. D. Card, M. Fairclough, P. Heath, G. Gouthas, T. Baker

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..., and using digitised analog aeromagnetic and gravity data. The result was a remote predictive map covering about 35 000 km2 for which there were...


Inhibition of Autogenic Dynamics in Alluvial Fans: Field Examples from the Tertiary of Spain and Implications for Process Recognition in Fan Successions, #50333 (2010)

Dario Ventra

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... coupling between a sediment source and an adjacent transfer/accumulation area. Nonetheless, general models of fan evolution and stratigraphy are still...


Source-to-Sink Sediment Delivery in the Gulf of Papua from SEM-MLA-aided Provenance and Textural Analysis of Turbidite Sands, #30181 (2011)

Erlangga Septama, Samuel J. Bentley, Michael Shaffer

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... on sedimentary routing, and to develop a modern analog of dynamic processes controlling sediment sources and delivery. Turbidities were sampled...


A Relational Database for the Digitization of Fluvial Architecture: Toward Quantitative Synthetic Depositional Models, #40933 (2012)

Luca Colombera, Nigel P. Mountney, William D. McCaffrey

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... Quantitative synthetic facies models The Ftuvial Architecture Knowledge Transfer System (FAKTS) is a rela tional database storing fluv ial architecture data...


Assessment of CO2 Enhanced Gas Recovery in Shale Gas Reservoirs (Preliminary); #80296 (2013)

Brandon C. Nuttall, Michael L. Godec, Robert J. Butsch, and David E. Riestenberg

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... tons) and a CO 2 transport with transfer pump for delivering liquid CO2 to our pumping system. 21 Presenter’s notes: An industry-standard nitrogen...


Comparison of Fine-Grained, Mud-Rich and Coarse-Grained, Sand-Rich Submarine Fans for Exploration-Development Purposes

Arnold H. Bouma

GCAGS Transactions

.... DeV. Wickens, 1994, Tanqua Karoo, ancient analog for fine-grained submarine fans, in P. Weimer, A.H. Bouma, and B.F. Perkins, eds., Submarine Fans...


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