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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 4,325 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Uniformity, Inhomogeneity and Anisotropy

M. Epstein

CSPG Special Publications

...ABSTRACT: Uniformity, Inhomogeneity and Anisotropy M. Epstein 1998 103 103...


ABSTRACT: Implication of Dipping Anisotropy

D. C. Lawton

CSPG Special Publications

...ABSTRACT: Implication of Dipping Anisotropy D. C. Lawton 1998 105 105...


ABSTRACT: Electromagnetism and Anisotropy

M. Okoniewski

CSPG Special Publications

...ABSTRACT: Electromagnetism and Anisotropy M. Okoniewski 1998 108 108...


Velocity Anisotropy Estimation in the Vertical Plane Using VSP Data

A. Kebaili, D. R. Schmitt

CSPG Special Publications

...Velocity Anisotropy Estimation in the Vertical Plane Using VSP Data A. Kebaili, D. R. Schmitt 1994 256 257...


Shear Anisotropy Logging Applications in Canada

Steve Richards, Jim McDonald, Gary Drebit

CSPG Special Publications

...Shear Anisotropy Logging Applications in Canada Steve Richards, Jim McDonald, Gary Drebit 1995 57 57...


ABSTRACT: Azimuthal anisotropy potpourri

D. F. Winterstein, G. S. De, M. A. Meadows

CSPG Special Publications

...ABSTRACT: Azimuthal anisotropy potpourri D. F. Winterstein, G. S. De, M. A. Meadows 1998 109 110...


ABSTRACT: What! Non-hyperbolic moveout on the prairies? (Anisotropy - a first look)

Arnim B. Haase

CSPG Special Publications

...ABSTRACT: What! Non-hyperbolic moveout on the prairies? (Anisotropy - a first look) Arnim B. Haase 1998 409 410...


Determination of the Microcrack Porosity and Mineral Anisotropy of Cores: Application to the Lithoprobe Alberta Basement Transect

Y. Y. Li, D. R. Schmitt

CSPG Special Publications

...Determination of the Microcrack Porosity and Mineral Anisotropy of Cores: Application to the Lithoprobe Alberta Basement Transect Y. Y. Li, D. R...


Correcting and Exploiting Shale Anisotropy Effect on LWD 2 MHz Resistivity Devices in Horizontal Drilling/Logging

C. Jackson, T. Hagiwara

CSPG Special Publications

...Correcting and Exploiting Shale Anisotropy Effect on LWD 2 MHz Resistivity Devices in Horizontal Drilling/Logging C. Jackson, T. Hagiwara 1995 81 81...


Directional permeability anisotropy: a comparison of horizontal and vertical plug- and probe-permeabilities in sandstones

Rudi Meyer, Federico F. Krause

CSPG Special Publications

...Directional permeability anisotropy: a comparison of horizontal and vertical plug- and probe-permeabilities in sandstones Rudi Meyer, Federico F...


ABSTRACT: Seismic Anisotropy of Sedimentary Rocks: A Unique Probe of Rock Fabric; #90007 (2002)

Colin M. Sayers

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...ABSTRACT: Seismic Anisotropy of Sedimentary Rocks: A Unique Probe of Rock Fabric; #90007 (2002) Colin M. Sayers AAPG Search and Discovery Article...


Abstract: Geomodeling in Non-Stationary Reservoirs: What is Locally Varying Anisotropy and When Should We Consider It; #90224 (2015)

Jeff B. Boisvert

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...Abstract: Geomodeling in Non-Stationary Reservoirs: What is Locally Varying Anisotropy and When Should We Consider It; #90224 (2015) Jeff B. Boisvert...


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...user Observations of Azimuthal Anisotropy in Prestack Seismic Data David Gray* CGGVeritas, Calgary, AB, Canada [email protected] Abstract...


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...user Observations of Azimuthal Anisotropy in Prestack Seismic Data David Gray* CGGVeritas, Calgary, AB, Canada [email protected] Abstract...


Abstract: Seismic Anisotropy in Coal Beds; #90211 (2015)

David Gray

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...Abstract: Seismic Anisotropy in Coal Beds; #90211 (2015) David Gray Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90211 CSPGĀ© 2015 CSPG/CSEG/CWLS...


Simultaneous Measurement of Acoustic and Electrical Anisotropy of Shales under Elevated Pressure: A Preliminary Study, #41965 (2016).

Liwei Ou, Qifei Niu, Manika Prasad, John Quirein, Natasa Mekic, Junsheng Hou, Mehdi E. Far, Ming Gu

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...Simultaneous Measurement of Acoustic and Electrical Anisotropy of Shales under Elevated Pressure: A Preliminary Study, #41965 (2016). Liwei Ou, Qifei...


ABSTRACT Identifying Stress-Induced Anisotropy and Stress Orientation Using Cross-Dipole Acoustic Logging, #90104 (2010)

Zheng Yibing; Tang Xiaoming; Patterson Douglas

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...ABSTRACT Identifying Stress-Induced Anisotropy and Stress Orientation Using Cross-Dipole Acoustic Logging, #90104 (2010) Zheng Yibing; Tang Xiaoming...



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Multicomponent Seismic and Borehole Experiment to Establish and Identify the Cause of Anisotropy in the 2nd White Specs at Garrington, Alberta

W. N. Goodway, L. Mayo

CSPG Special Publications

...Multicomponent Seismic and Borehole Experiment to Establish and Identify the Cause of Anisotropy in the 2nd White Specs at Garrington, Alberta W. N...


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