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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 4,325 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.

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Unraveling Contributing Fractures Based upon Flowing Material Balance and Induced Seismicity Analysis

Peyman Moradi, Doug Angus

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... design (Fig.1b), the horizontal stress anisotropy is overcome leading to the creation of a more complex spatial fracture pattern with a high magnitude...


Horizontal Well Evaluation to Determine Geological Facies, Mechanical Properties, and Natural Fracture Changes Using Slim Through-the-Bit Dipole Sonic and Oil-Based Microimaging Tools

Edgar Velez, Elia Haddad, Firas Al Shaikh, Ghada Barbour, Kyle Barrie

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... a probabilistic Bayesian-type inversion as described by Donald et al. 2018 using a core database of 245 published core measurements of VTI anisotropy...


Using Data Science to Assess Repeatability in Analogue Mature Fields: A Risk Management Tool to Optimize Your Appraisal Strategy

Martin Letourneur, David Crighton, Raphael Sprauel

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... expressed through P10-P50-P90 cases. The local variability observed in unconventional is linked to the various sources of anisotropy that can occur...


Ascertain the Presence of Open Fractures in Tight Carbonate Reservoirs with Integrated Solution

Kim Long Nguyen, Mahmoud F. Shehab El Dein, Nami Al-Mutairi, Rasha Al-Morakhi, Mohammed Dasma, Lulwa Al-Mijrin, Meshal Abdul Hameed Al-Wadi, Karim Ousididene, Ahmed Moustafa, Mohab El-Masry, Sachindra Sharma, Nawal Kerrouche, Ramdane Bouchou, Mohamed Said

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... into each fracture. URTeC 4023323 3 The integration of these methods of borehole images, dipole shear acoustic anisotropy, Stoneley wave reflections...


Seismic Technology Evolution to Support Prospect Evaluation, Exploration Well, and Geological Appraisal

Frederic J. Billette, Yan Quist

GCAGS Transactions

... and DSWEM (delayed shot WEM). Estimation of anisotropy was tested but was not ready for prime time. Results clearly showed uplift in image quality...


Geostatistical Simulation of Reservoir Porosity Distribution from 3-D, 3-C Seismic Reflection and Core Data in the Lower Nisku Formation at Joffre Field, Alberta

Raul Cabrera-Garzon, John F. Arestad, Kadri Dagdelen, Thomas L. Davis

AAPG Special Volumes

... to relate anisotropy and porosity to Vp/Vs ratios and shear velocity differences. Vernik and Nur (1992) presented work relating petrophysics to porosity...


Characterization of a Sediment Core from Potential Gas-hydrate-bearing Reservoirs in the Sagavanirktok, Prince Creek, and Schrader Bluff Formations of Alaska's North Slope: Part 5Acoustic Velocity Core Studies

R. F. Sigal, C. Rai, C. Sondergeld, B. Spears, W. J. Ebanks Jr., W. D. Zogg, N. Emery, G. McCardle, R. Schweizer, W. G. McLeod, J. Van Eerde

AAPG Special Volumes

... is 2170 m/s (7119 ft/s). No significant shear-wave anisotropy was observed. The trend of decreasing velocity with increasing temperature is weak. Based...


Repurposing Legacy Seismic Reflection Data in Support of Aquifer Characterization in Texas

Thomas E. Ewing, Cody H. Draper, Daniel M. Lupton

GCAGS Transactions

... detailed information on fractures and related anisotropy could be acquired from 3D seismic surveys. Karst development is also identifiable in 2D and 3D...


Soft-sediment Deformation Fabric in the Precambrian Bhander Oolite, Central India

Soumen Sarkar , S. K. Chanda, Ajit Bhattacharyya

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., is not possible. Wide variation in the nature and intensity of deformation and degree of anisotropy in deformation fabric is observed between samples...


Oriented Core: Its Use, Error, and Uncertainty

R. A. Nelson , L. C. Lenox , B. J. Ward, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

..., and reservoir engineering (Davison and Haszeldine, 1984). In general, microfabric, macrofabric, anisotropy, or current stress and strain state data may...


Abstract: Azimuthal Fourier Coefficient Elastic Inversion; #90174 (2014)

Benjamin Roure and Jon Downton

Search and

...°). The deviations observed from the main trend are due to zones of small anisotropy or isotropy in which case the symmetry axis is not meaningful. Interpretation...


Abstract: Joint OBN and 3-D DAS-VSP Data Acquisition and Processing in East China Sea; #91204 (2023)

Gang Yu1, Haibo Liu, Zhonglin Cao, Junjian Li, Jianguo Li, Yuanzhong Chen, Guangming He, Junjun Wu, Ximing Wang

Search and

... attenuation factor and anisotropy parameters around the wellbore can be obtained. These parameters can be used to enhance significantly the surface 3-D...


Production Focused Seismic … Applying Seismic for Well Productivity Analysis and Completion Optimization; #41212 (2013)

Sean Boerner and Ross Peebles

Search and

..._PSTM_MIN95DEG_SOM5x5 (Euc) Angle – Down Angle (dega) Angle – East Angle (dega) Angle – North Angle (dega) Anisotropy - vfast_mag (Euc) Azimuth - dip...


Unconventional Multi-Variate Analysis: A Non-Linear Review of the Most Relevant Unconventional Plays in the U.S.; #80428 (2014)

Roderick Perez

Search and

..., Investigating corrections between microseismic event data, seismic curvature, velocity anisotropy, and well production in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin...


Evaluating Shale Play Opportunities, Optimizing Your Own Operations, #80512 (2016).

Susan Smith Nash

Search and

...: Economic: • • •Good fracability •Anisotropy of crustal stress •Pore pressure •Pore conductivity •Less relative heterogeneity •Large resource scale •Good...


Facies Architecture and Controls on Reservoir Behavior in the Turonian Wall Creek Member of the Frontier Formation in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming; #51528 (2018)

Nathan La Fontaine, Michael Hofmann, Tuan T. Le, Todd Hoffman

Search and

... of resulting permeability anisotropy when upscaling to the full gridded 1km2 model. Sensitivity testing of variable lithologic conditions reveals pore...


Structural Inheritance and the Role of Basement Anisotropies in the Laramide Structural and Tectonic Evolution of the North American Cordilleran Foreland, Wyoming - Towards a Unified Hypothesis; #30641 (2019)

Jeffrey W. Bader

Search and

...-striking conjugate shears. Precambrian basement fabrics characterize all three directions of major anisotropy and they likely have a complex history...


Subsurface Characterization of Mesaverde Reservoirs in Colorado: Geophysical and Reservoir-Engineering Checks on Predictive Sedimentology

John C. Lorenz, Norman R. Warpinski, Paul T. Branagan

Special Publications of SEPM

... application of the subsurface test resalto to interpretations of reservoir geometry. mene fradares create a significant permeability anisotropy within...


Marcasite in Black Shales—a Mineral Proxy for Oxygenated Bottom Waters and Intermittent Oxidation of Carbonaceous Muds

Juergen Schieber

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... (plane-polarized light) and anisotropy (crossed polarizers) were then examined under an electron microscope (FEI Quanta FEG 400) with an electron...


Simultaneous Inversion for Microseismic Event Location and Velocity Model in Vaca Muerta Formation

Zhishuai Zhang, Jing Du, Fuchun Gao

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... in a surface microseismic survey. Anisotropy may need to be considered for specific sites. Thanks to the power of Bayesian inference, these factors...


Understanding Production Drivers in the Vaca Muerta Shale Using an Integrated Reservoir Simulation Approach

Raphael Altman, Dario Pederiva, Reza Mehranfar, Marcelo Frydman

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., rock compaction) Figure 2: Generic workflow for reservoir simulation of unconventional reservoirs. Sonic anisotropy (before and after frac...


Natural Fractures on the Pinedale Anticline as Seen in Cores and on Image Logs

Mark Longman, Erika Davis, Randy J. Koepsell

AAPG Special Volumes

... Mesa Unit 6D3-16 and Stewart Point 7D3-17 wells. Anisotropy patterns interpreted from these dipole sonic logs showed a very tight cluster of orientations...


Screening Techniques: Chapter 9

Myron K. Horn

AAPG Special Volumes



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