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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,237 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Application of shear-wave seismic interpretation technology in shallow gas clouds area
Wang Yan, Deng Zhiwen, Chen Zhigang, Cai Yintao, Zhang Rui, Xi Xiaoyu, Wu Dan
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... characteristics of these three kinds of waves in anisotropic media. Experimental results show that fast Swave are less affected by anisotropy media...
The influence of reverse-reactivated normal faults on porosity and permeability in sandstones: a case study at Castle Cove, Otway Basin
Natalie Debenham, Rosalind C. King, Natalie J. C. Farrell, David Healy, Simon P. Holford
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
..., Anisotropy of permeability in faulted porous sandstones: Journal of Structural Geology, 63, 50-67. Faulkner, D. R., Jackson, C. A. L., Lunn, R. J...
Depth correction using velocity for structure calibration at Leviathan Field, offshore Israel
Yijie Zhou, Brad Christensen, Lin Christianson
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... to smoothed velocities, resolution, anisotropy, modeling parameterization, etc. We propose a workflow to fine-tune the migration velocity to better calibrate...
U-net based primary alignment
Ricard Durall, Ammar Ghanim, Norman Ettrich
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... or anisotropy effects, which were not accounted for. Such inaccuracies in velocities are often pronounced when a migration velocity model is too smooth...
A method for assessing earth model uncertainty in the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
Edward Lewis, Dennis van der Burg, Tony Martin, Lorenzo Russo, Tony Bell
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... Anisotropy was incorporated at an early stage and updated throughout the model building sequence. An example of the integrated use of the velocity model...
Zonality of Structures of Udmurtia and Northeastern Tataria and its Effect on the Spatial Distribution of Oil Pools
R. N. Valeyev
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... in the development of any particular system of ruptures, which is probably due both to anisotropy of the Earth’s crust and to a different history...
Reinjection in Geothermal Fields as an Effort to Sustain Energy Availability
Uum Komaruddin, Doddy S. Sasradipoera, Yunis, M. Husni Thamrin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and reservoir-permeability anisotropy. The effect of spacing distance between reinjection and production wells will influence the rapidity of thermal...
Using a Calibrated 3-D Frac Simulator to Optimize Completions of Future Wells in the Eagle Ford Shale
Efejera Ejofodomi, Allen Dutt, Jason Baihly
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... hydraulic fracture simulator that takes into account reservoir heterogeneity, horizontal stress anisotropy, and interaction between the hydraulic...
Nondestructive testing for wellbore integrity with distributed acoustic sensing
Ivan Lim Chen Ning, Mike Craven, Timothy Tokar, Saptarshi Dasgupta, Paul Benet, Michael Merlino, Craig Feherty
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...., and S. Kostek, 1996, Stress-induced azimuthal anisotropy in borehole flexural waves: Geophysics, 61, 1899–1907, doi: https://doi.org/ 10.1190/1.1444105...
High-resolution near-surface land FWI across the Delaware basin fill zone
Terence Krishnasamy, James Sheng, Ronaldo Florendo, James Beck, Antonio Sierra, Sam Murphy, Jay Siebens, Yvonne Iwo-Brown
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... by a pass of reflection tomography and well calibration to update the velocity and anisotropy. The tomography step was necessary as diving wave penetration...
3-D Finite Difference Modeling of Microseismic Source Mechanisms in the Wolfcamp Shale of the Permian Basin
Robert Meek, Robert A. Hull, Austin Von der Hoya, David Eaton
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... a staggered-grid finite difference method. But his staggered grid scheme did not allow for general anisotropy. We use a 3D second order finite...
Seismic land acquisition designed to identify geology and rock properties over stacked pay interval using HTD 3D3C survey in the Permian Basin
Bruce Karr, Andrew Lewis, Stephen Klug, Ron Bianco
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... to facies changes. The converted wave processing is divided into five packages of geology to evaluate localized anisotropy, amplitude and velocity...
Solid substitution: theory versus experiment
Yongyang Sun, Maxim Lebedev, Vassili Mikhaltsevitch, Stanislav Glubokovskikh, Stefan Iglauer, Boris Gurevich
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...680. Sayers, C. M., and M. Kachanov, 1995, Microcrack-induced elastic wave anisotropy of brittle rocks: Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 4149–4...
The influence of reverse-reactivated normal faults on porosity and permeability in sandstones: a case study at Castle Cove, Otway Basin
Natalie Debenham, Rosalind C. King, Natalie J. C. Farrell, David Healy, Simon P. Holford
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... architecture and permeability structure: Geology, 24, 1025-1028. Farrell, N. J. C., Healy, D. and Taylor, C. W., 2014, Anisotropy of permeability in faulted...
Correlation of seismic velocity and density of metasandstone from Kati Formation, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
Norsyafiqah Salimun, Abdul Ghani Rafek, Khairul Arifin Mohd. Noh
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
..., porosity, anisotropy, water content, stress and Figure 1: Map of the study area (modified from Mineral and Geosciences Department, 1985). 0126-6187...
Use of Microresistivity Image Logs in Detailed Reservoir Architecture Reconstruction of Glenn Sandstone, Glenn Pool Field, Northeastern Oklahoma
Liangmiao Ye, Dennis R. Kerr
Tulsa Geological Society
... is a reasonable estimation of the strong potential flow anisotropy expected in the interwell region for the middle channel-fill subfacies. However, core...
Improving seismic resolution by reprocessing multiple surveys at Na Kika field
Qingsong Li, Robert (Bobby) Chrisman, Dale Baptiste, Yan Liu, Dhvanil Patel, Carlos Rivas Aroni
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
.... During the model building, tomography and well-tie are used for anisotropy update and velocity manual perturbation. After these are done, a final...
Engineered Approach for Multi-Well Pad Development in Eagle Ford Shale
Kush Gakhar, Dan Shan, Yuri Rodionov, Raj Malpani, E. A. Ejofodomi, Jian Xu, Kevin Fisher, Karsten Fischer, Adrian Morales
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... to maintain geomechanical equilibrium. While the amount of stress re-orientation is particularly controlled by the initial horizontal stress anisotropy...
Leveraging Reflection, Refraction, and Multiple Arrivals from Dual-Sensor Streamer Data for High-Fidelity Velocity Model Building and Imaging
G. Rønholt, J.E. Lie, Ø. Korsmo, B. Danielsen, S. Brown, S. Brandsberg-Dahl, A.V. Mavilio, N. Chemingui, D. Whitmore, M. Farouki
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... shift tomography with a focus on estimating accurate, global anisotropy parameters for the shallow overburden. With these updates in place, we were...
High-Resolution Anisotropic Earth Model Building on Conventional Seismic Data Using Full-Waveform Inversion: an Offshore Australia Case Study
Bee Jik Lim, Denes Vigh, Stephen Alwon, Saeeda Hydal, Martin Bayly, Chris Manuel, Dimitri Chagalov, Gary Hampson, Dimitri Bevc
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... in the convergence of the model and getting the kinematics right. Hockey stick features on the gathers indicative of inaccuracies of anisotropy model were...
Simulation and Mapping of Space-Dependent Data in Geology
Michel Dagbert
CSPG Bulletin
... is in accordance with the anisotropy found on the variograms of normalized data. One can also notice some unexpected protuberances generated in areas...
Structure of Albertite from New Brunswick, Canada
Ganjavar Khavari-Khorasani
CSPG Bulletin
... and Resources, Ottawa, Canada, p. 79. Patrick, J. W., Reynolds, M. J. and Shaw, F. H. 1973. Development of optical anisotropy in vitrains during carbonization...
Characterization of Seismic Anomalies using Converted Waves: A Case History from East Natuna Basin
Lotfi Ben-Brahim, Ronan Petton, Michel Couderc, Agus Djamhoer
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the same plane as the receiver line and most of the shear energy is expected in the inline direction (X) although through azimuthal anisotropy (Van Dok...
Fast and Reliable Estimates of Low Permeabilities by the Full-Immersion Pressure-Pulse Decay
Michael J. Hannon Jr.
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... Bhandari, P.B. Flemings, P.J. Polito, M.B. Cronin, and S.L. Bryant. Anisotropy and stress dependence of permeability in the Barnett Shale. Transport...
Fracture Systems of Mars
E. L. Harp
Utah Geological Association
... was not subjected to the development of a structural anisotropy prior to volcanism and uplift, a more truly radial pattern would be expected about...