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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,237 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Mapping Un-Explored Resistive Geo-Bodies Using 3D CSEM Technology: A Case Study of CSEM Geo-Body Characterization from Rapak-Ganal Area in Kutai Basin, Makassar Strait, Indonesia
Ritesh Mohan Joshi, Sibam Chakraborty, Robert Dilindi Ibinga, Ann-Marie Kimberley William, Lina Lutnes Uri
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... account for 3D effects and to map anisotropy. The start model for the CSEM inversion had a linearly increasing resistivity with depth. This start model...
Heat Flow in Azerbaydzhan
G. M. Sukharev, Yu. K. Taranukha, S. P. Vlasova
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... are due probably to thermal anisotropy of the rocks, and neotectonic and other processes. Vertical migration of fluids is important here. What causes...
Integrating Microseismic and Geomechanics to Interpret Hydraulic Fracture Growth
Dan Kahn, Jon Roberts, Jamie Rich
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and processed for anisotropic mechanical properties using a TIV anisotropy model. This model was then calibrated using the mechanical earth model process...
Geosteering with Azimuthal Resistivity to Resolve Geological Misinterpretation in Thin Horizontal Reservoir
Patricia Augie, Aris Kurniawan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the purpose mentioned above azimuthal resistivity can also be used to determine the direction of rock fractures and anisotropy. Geosteering Challenges...
Development of the Stacked Pay in the Delaware Basin, Permian Basin
Farhan Alimahomed, Raj Malpani, Rohann Jose, Cyrille Defeu, Edgar Ignacio Velez Arteaga, Elia Haddad
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... injection tests, closure pressure, fluid efficiency 1D Mechanical Earth Model (MEM) Considering Layered Anisotropy A 1D mechanical earth model (1D MEM...
Unveiling and Imaging Karst Through Refined Wavefield Separation
Riaz Alai, M Afiq B Mokhtar, Yonghe Guo, Pongga Wardaya, Jun Wang , Rizki Krishna Pratama, Haryono Haryanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and refraction full waveform. Exhausting all efforts of detailed velocity determination and accurate anisotropy workflows has removed sagging effects. Further...
Integrated Study of Down-Hole Water Sink Technology to Water Coning Development in Thin Layers
Irfan Saputra Pratama, Moh Dikin Adiwena
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... permeability barriers between layers and permeability variations laterally near the well. In parallel, anisotropy was added to combine vertical representation...
3-D Geologic Model of a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir, Norman Wells Field, NWT, Canada
Lyndon A. Yose, Thorston Eiben, Steven Brown, Gary S. Kompanik, Timothy L. Davis, Susanne R. Maxwell
CSPG Bulletin
..., densities) measured from core, image logs and outcrop data were used to quantify fracture geometries and the resultant flow anisotropy (directional...
Sedimentologic, Diagenetic and Tectonic Evolution of the Saint-Flavien Gas Reservoir at the Structural Front of the Quebec Appalachians
Rudolf Bertrand, Andre Chagnon and Michel Malo, Yves Duchaine, Denis Lavoie and Martine M. Savard
CSPG Bulletin
...; nearly isotropic migrabitumen; migrabitumen showing a waving anisotropy; and migrabitumen with mosaic, palisades, spherulites, ribbons, and flow...
Impact of Pore Pressure on Modeled Hydraulic Fracture Geometry and Well Spacing in the East Duvernay Shale Basin, Canada
Farhan Alimahomed, Eric Wigger, Matthew Drouillard, Gabriel Garcia Rosas, Christen Kolbeck
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... kPa/m depending on lithology resulting in an average stress anisotropy of 14 – 20% as shown in track 3. The magnitude of horizontal stresses...
Optimization of Seismic Acquisition Design Using Ocean Bottom Nodes at 'MHS' Field
M Hanif Syamri, Ruhul Firdaus, Syamsurijal Rasimeng, Agung A. Susanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and anisotropy (Cordsen, 2000). Three-dimensional seismic surveys in the transition zone have considerable challenges because they are * Institut...
North-South Regional Seismic Profile of the Hanna Basin, Wyoming
Sanford S. Kaplan, Riley C. Skeen
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... (horizontal) movement, a variety of structures would be formed because of the anisotropy of the basement, the sedimentary cover, and the differences...
Foreword: The Montney Play of Western Canada: Deposition to Development
Thomas F. Moslow, Tristan Euzen, Mark Caplan
CSPG Bulletin
... and crushed-rock techniques, as well as a permeability anisotropy within data derived from the same technique which also appear to be fabric...
The Expected Shapes of Blocks and Grains: NOTES
I. J. Smalley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of the quartz crystal largely determines the size and shape of the sand grain. Due to the anisotropy of quartz crystals, the volume change associated...
Coal Bed Methane Development - Structure is Still Important
Richard W. Davis
Wyoming Geological Association
... Commission. Stone, Randolph and David F. Snoeberger, 1978, Cleat orientation and areal hydraulic anisotropy of a Wyoming coal aquifer: Ground Water, v. 15...
X-Ray Study of the Sedimentary Pyrite of Western New York: NOTES
John E. Izard, Charles V. Clemency
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... 224------------------------ KLEMM, D. D., 1962, Anisotropy in cubic ore minerals: Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Abh., B. 97, p. 337-356. LOOMIS F.B. 1903...
Reservoir Storage Quality vs. Flow Characterization; Improved Assessment of Recoverable Oil
Eugene E. Wadleigh, Paul M. Hannah
Wyoming Geological Association
.... (Figure 4) Figure 4. (A) classic radial well pressure testing, (B) multi-well limited area testing to interpret a homogenous anisotropy...
Seismic-Based Pore Fluid Characterization for Improved Landslide Geohazard Assessment in Gas Pipelines: Utilizing VP/VS and Poisson Ratio Analysis
Muhammad Aldi Firdaus, Sufi Hamdan Mazida, Ari Kurniawan, Sri Rahayu, Fajar Rahman
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...., 2007, Rock Quality, Seismic Velocity, Attenuation and Anisotropy, Taylor and Francis, v.1., p.7. Bhowmick, S., 2016, Role of Vp/Vs and Poisson...
Evaluation and Insights from Instantaneous Shut-in Pressures
Nicolas Roussel, Herbert Swan, Jon Snyder, Dung Nguyen, David Cramer, Annie Ouk
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... distribution among perforation clusters (Cramer et al 2020) Fracture Height, Stress Anisotropy Diagnostics The ISIP escalation analysis proposed...
Accelerating Development Optimization in the Bakken Using an Integrated Fracture Diagnostic Pilot
Yueming Liang, Holger Meier, Karthik Srinivasan, Hussain Tahir, Alberto Ortega, Kelvin Amalokwu, James Friedrich, Joy Okpala, Kendal Decker, Matthew Brown, Tim Benish, Haylee Crozier, Peeyush Bhargava, Prasad Sumant, James Reavis
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.../mineralogy and tectonics in the basin (Crawford et al, 2020). In formations that are rich in clay, shale textural anisotropy is due to the platy nature...
Modeling the Unconventional Way: A Novel Midland Basin Case Study on How to Simulate Reservoir Models Without Altering Stimulated Fracture Geometries
C. Lance Reynolds, David Brannan
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the replicator’s nomenclature, these four inputs are the transverse exponent, proppant holdup, width exponent and vertical/horizontal anisotropy factor. Each...
Chapter 10: The Role of Integrated Reservoir Petrophysics in Horizontal Well Evaluations to Increase Production in the Eagle Ford Shale
Kevin B. Fisher
AAPG Special Volumes
...) is not measured because of the resistivity anisotropy. To obtain Rt, measurements of both vertical (Rv) and horizontal (Rh) resistivity are required...
Chapter 11: Breaking Barriers and Paradigms in Presalt Exploration: The Pão de Açúcar Discovery (Offshore Brazil)
Pedro Henrique Vieira de Luca, Hugo Matias, José Carballo, Diana Sineva, Gustavo Antunes Pimentel, Jordi Tritlla, Mateu Esteban, Rubén Loma, José Luis Algibez Alonso, Ricardo Perona Jiménez, Matthieu Pontet, Pedro Bonillo Martinez, Victor Vega
AAPG Special Volumes
... of Brazil and West Africa: Gondwana Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2014.12.005. Thomsen, L., 1986, Weak elastic anisotropy: Geophysics, Society...
Pilot Phase of the Aguada Federal Block, Black-Oil Window
Osvaldo Nielsen, David Curia, Pablo Pateti, Javier Caniggia, Alexis Ortega, Morten Slinde
AAPG Special Volumes
... analysis; Tracks 4–8: original logs (black curves), modeled logs (red curves), and core measurements (blue points); Track 9: Thomsen’s anisotropy...
Machine Learning Prediction and the Impact of CO₂ Injection on S-Wave in 20 Years in the Legacy Well Field
Sharif Morshed, Shafiqul Alam Khan, Wu Hao
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.../10.1007/s12665-023-10947-7 Richard E. T., Thomas R. B., and Robert C. S. 1973, Velocity anisotropy in dry and saturated rock spheres and its relation...