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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,237 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
In Situ Coal Gasification at the Hoe Creek, Wyoming Field Site –An Overview1
Harold C. Ganow
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
... Anisotropy of a Wyoming Coal Aquifer: Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Rept. Preprint UCRL-79045, 18 pp. Stone, Randolph, and Snoeberger, D. F. 1976, Evaluation...
Thermal Maturation by Vitrinite Reflectance of Woodford Shale Near Washita Valley Fault, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma
Brian J. Cardott, William J. Metcalf III, Judson L. Ahern
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
..., J.M., 1977, The rank and anisotropy of anthracites: the indicating surface of reflectivity in uniaxial and biaxial substances: Journal of Microscopy, v...
Impact of Injected Water Salinity on CO2 Storage Efficiency in Homogenous Reservoirs
Emad A. Al-Khdheeawi, Stephanie Vialle, Ahmed Barifcani, Mohammad Sarmadivaleh, Stefan Iglauer
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... porosity (17%), constant horizontal permeability (355 mD) and a permeability anisotropy (vertical-to-horizontal permeability ratio) of 0.1 for the whole...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... Mineral Research of Colorado. Quartz grains were identified by undulatory extinction, inclusions and bubble trails, positive optical sign, anisotropy...
Determining the Correlation Between Vicker's Microhardness and Young's Modulus of Coal
Sanjib Mondal, Sijin Qian, Micah Nehring, Zhongwei Chen
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...). Mechanical anisotropy of coal with considerations of realistic microstructures and external loading directions. International Journal of Rock Mechanics...
The application of a new machine-learning paradigm based on pretraining and fine-tuning, StorSeismic, on field seismic data
Randy Harsuko, Tariq Alkhalifah
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... of the Vp log data. Some of the difference can be attributed to anisotropy, known to be present, but ignored in the synthetic training data...
From Outcrop to Subsurface: Unlocking Fractured Basement Reservoir in New Venture Area
Laurent Souche, Anugrah Pradana, Merza Media Adeyosfi, Joko Sosiawan Trikukuh
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of the regional stress (stress orientation and anisotropy) from observed small-scale failure planes (e.g. fractures observed on image log data or subseismic...
Unlocking the Potential of Challenging Tight Oil Reservoirs Using a Novel Approach in the Egyptian Eastern Desert
Amr Hegazy, Emad Abdel Hakim, Mohamed Farouk, Hesham Badran, Omar Barghash, Khaled Saleh
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... 2152 5.58E+06 0.168 2965 Pay Zone Stress (psi) 2950 Overlying Anhydrite Stress Gradient (psi/ft) 0.726 2152 5.40E+06 0.17 A 2D anisotropy...
Screening Criteria for Shale-Gas Systems
Fred P. Wang, Julia F. W. Gale
GCAGS Transactions
... can cause stress anisotropy and changes in brittleness, which in turn determines size, distribution, and success of hydraulic fracturing operations...
Seismic HC Reservoir Prediction: A (Critical) Review on the Determination of Lithological Parameters from Seismic Data
Burkhard Buttkus
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... improving deep seismic data, the technique is being used to obtain a better understanding of wave propagation, attenuation and anisotropy. However...
The Study on 3D Geomechanical Modeling Improves Horizontal Well Drilling Performance in Tight Oil Reservoir
Yong Wang, Haijun Luan, Chuanyi Tang, Dong Zhao, Wei Zhou, Dan Zhou, Liming Lian, Lei Zeng, Bo Yu, Bo Dong, Xiao Yang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the variation of anisotropy of geomechanics. Therefore, the key of geomechanical modeling technology based on drilling data is how to interpolate...
Lithostructural Setting of the Contact Lake Gold Deposit: Controls on Vein Formation and Ore Distribution
Christopher B. Lee, R. Gwilym Roberts
Saskatchewan Geological Society
.... (1989): The effects of layer anisotropy on auriferous shear zones: The Norbeau mine, Quebec; Econ. Geol., v84, p871-878. Fayek, M. and Kyser, T.K....
Heat Flow Modelling and Thermal History of the Onshore Gippsland Basin: Upside Potential for Unconventional Gas and Geothermal Resources
Ben Harrison, David Taylor, Peter Tingate, Mike Sandiford
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... in the same orientation, that is, axial to the core, no special examination of the anisotropy of the rocks was made, and it is assumed that the broad...
3D Modeling and Characterization of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs - An Integrated Approach
Subrata K. Chakraborty, Mega Ardhiani Puspa
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... do not provide significant storage capacity or permeability in an already producible reservoir but instead create anisotropy. The first three types...
Optimización de la Planeación de Nuevos Pozos de Desarrollo Mediante una Nueva Secuencia de Procesamiento y Migración Anisotrópica Pre-Apilado en Profundidad - Campos Guando y Matachín Norte y Sur, Valle Superior Del Magdalena (Colombia). [PAPER IN SPANI
Diógenes Rovira, M. Graziella Kirltand Grech
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
.... Thomsen, L., 1986, “Weak elastic anisotropy”: Geophysics, 51, 1954-1966. Valbuena, O., De Freitas, L., Pimentel, H., Pereira, J., 2005, “Guando Field...
Uncovering the Canning Basin: A New Comprehensive SEEBASE® Model
Karen Connors, Cedric Jorand, Peter Haines, Yijie Zhan, Lynn Pryer
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
..., Yijie has interests in fractured reservoir, seismic inversion and reservoir modelling, and has published on azimuthal anisotropy, forward modelling...
Application of Simulation of Coupled Hydraulic Fracture Propagation by Implementing Natural Fracture Modeling in Shale Oil Reservoir - A Case Study from Junggar Basin, China
Yanyan Ding, Yu Liang, Tingfeng Zhao, Mingwei Ma, Xingning Huang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the approximation angle or the weaker the stress anisotropy, the easier it is for hydraulic fracturing to propagate and expand. Based on the established...
A.R. Cameron
North Dakota Geological Society
...) of vitrinite A it is 0.104. This difference is a function of increasing anisotropy with increase in rank affecting both...
Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes: An Overview
Denis M. Davadant
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... reservoir continuity clay nature and distribution reservoir heterogeneity or anisotropy natural drive mechanisms current oil saturation relative...
Analysis of Structural Controls on the Development of the Upper Pennsylvanian Tonganoxie Incised Paleovalley System of Northeastern Kansas
Scott Beaty, W. Lynn Watney, Alex Martinez
Kansas Geological Society
... Sedimentation Structural discontinuities are sites of anisotropy of basement rocks as revealed by studies of lithology, geochronology, and potential field...
Integration of Pressure-Transient and Fracture Area for Detecting Unconventional Wells Interference
Mazher Ibrahim, Matt Sinkey, Thomas Johnston, Shabnam Marouf, John Noynay, Joseph Becerril
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., Johnson, Raymond Leslie, Datey, Ashish et al. 2010. Evaluating Hydraulic Fracture Geometry from Sonic Anisotropy and Radioactive Tracer Logs...
Mineral Resource Estimation and Statistical Exploration
F. P. Agterberg
CSPG Special Publications
... observed anisotropy of the intercept in Figure 9 persists over longer distances. Figure 13. Covariance in picture points for four different directions...
Analysis of Casing Deformation in Different Unconventional Areas with a Comprehensive Approach in the Study
Brian Espindola, Antonio N. Romero, Maria J. Rodríguez, Romina D. Sosa Luna, Mauro I. Weimann, Rosario D. Velo, Rodrigo A. Escobar, Fernando Suarez, Miguel S. Pucho, Nicolas Gonzalez, Andrea V. Ferrara, Rocío L. Roth
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... system (Figure 5). If the anisotropy of the horizontal stresses is high (≈ >1.05), then subvertical natural fractures are subject to shear stress...
A Fast Horizontal-Well Coning Evaluation Method
P. Permadi
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
..., wellbore position, reservoir anisotropy, and the effective drainage area Ae contributing to the flow of oil and water. To account for this factors...
Using Production Quality Flow AI Based Facies With Integrated Multidisciplinary Workflow For Best Potential Targets Evaluation in Delaware Basin
Mauricio Vinassa, Dave Handwerger, Tom Tracey, Javed Iqbal, Hyder Jatoi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... step to identifying any anisotropy in the properties. 2D LA URTeC 3967521 5 variograms are used in the model. Petrophysical properties are nested...