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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,239 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Multiscale Geomechanical Characterization of Continental Shales Using a Combination of High- and Low-load Nanoindentation
Riza Nurbekova, Randy Doyle Hazlett
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Energy Environ. 9: 21–35. LA URTeC 3969150 12 Wu, Y., Li, Y., Luo, S., Lu, M., Zhou, N., Wang, D. and Zhang, G. 2020. Multiscale elastic anisotropy...
Developing a robust geologic conceptual model using pseudo 3-D P-wave seismic reflection data
Adrian D. Addison, Michael G. Waddell, Camelia C. Knapp, Duke T. Brantley, John M. Shafer
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... 2004-5038, Reston, Virginia, 1 p.Rex, R., B. Goodway, C. Martin, and G. Uswak, 2003, The impact of azimuthal anisotropy AVO and petrophysical response...
Mapping the Magnitude Sv-ISIPc in a Shale Gas Field and Some Considerations for Stimulation
Pablo Alvarez, Cristian González, Nicolás Romero, Vladimir Merchan, Gustavo Tarrés, Mauro Sánchez, Andrés Askenazi, Juan Rossi, Daniela Ceccon
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... to reverse stress regime, leading to a smaller SRV. Therefore, mapping the variation of stress state may be helpful to aware zones with low anisotropy...
Wrench Faults in the Upper Magdalena Valley in Colombia
Victor Benavente, Mark Burrus
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... compressional forces by reason of not having a unique direction and uniform strength along the moving thrust plates. Anisotropy in the stress...
Digital Rendering of Sedimentary-Relief Peels: Implications for Clastic Facies Characterization and Fluid Flow
Timothy A. Meckel
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in that orientation (Fig. 1C). Note that the wider range of topographic measurements for the flow-parallel-oriented peel may reflect directional anisotropy...
An Interstratal Peel on Maverick Hill, Alberta
D. K. Norris
CSPG Bulletin
..., C. I., 1960, "Anisotropy and Failure in Rocks," Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Abs., vol. 71, No. 12, pt. 2, p. 1851. Douglas, R J. W., 1950, "Callum Creek...
Disposal in the unconventional oil and gas sector: Challenges and solutions
Jon Fennell
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
...., 1989, 1993, 2000). Table 2 provides a summary of that work for high potential formations indicating differences in porosity, permeability, anisotropy...
Drilling Fluids: Tackling Drilling, Production, Wellbore Stability, and Formation Evaluation Issues in Unconventional Resource Development
Mike Stephens, Wenwu He, Michael Freeman, George Sartor
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Shang, Richard Y.; W.H. Wang and K. Weaving, "Sedimentary Texture Characterization and Permeability Anisotropy Quantification of McMurray Oil Sands...
Determination of Formation Organic Carbon Content Using a New Neutron-Induced Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Service that Directly Measures Carbon
Jorge Gonzalez, Richard Lewis, James Hemingway, Jim Grau, Erik Rylander, Iain Pirie
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., Petroleum Formation and Occurrence: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 538 p. Vernik, L, Liu, X, and Nur, A., 1994, Effect of kerogen on velocity anisotropy...
A Polynomial Model for Lateral Thickness Decay of Submarine Channel–Levees
Hesham Ezz, Alessandro Cantelli, Jasim Imran
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... from Amazon Channel: texture of the silt/sand load, paleoflow from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, and implications for flow processes...
Multi-Fracture Stimulation Techniques Make Better Wells in Ultra-Low
Yanrong Chang, Hongjun Lu, Baochun Chen, Zhen-ning Ji, Chengwang Wang, Yin Qi, Jianshan Li, Xianfei Du, Guiqin Yin
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... sonic image (DSI) logging was also used to evaluate fracture heights. By comparing formation anisotropy before and after fracturing, fracture heights...
Some "Quick-Look" and Wellsite Applications of Wireline Formation Testing Tools with Emphasis on Permeability Indicators as an Aid to Choosing Net Pay Discriminators
P. Cooke-Yarborough
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., permeabilities derived from spherical and cylindrical build-ups will differ markedly from each other due to the anisotropy and heterogeneity...
The Coalfields of the Northern Foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains
G. L. Hoffman, G. R. Jordan
CSPG Special Publications
... affected by bedding anisotropy and the mechanical properties of the various lithologies, thus there is a tendency for thrust faults to be subparallel...
Section Seven: Use of Wireline Logs and Dipmeters on Diapiric Structures
New Orleans Geological Society
... from a greater than expected formation anisotropy effect in steeply dipping beds was solved, distances to salt obtained from this service have proven...
Structure Interpretation Problems of a Lower Miocene Reef Associated with a Shallow Low Velocity Anomaly, North Sumatra
Peter Walker, Masrizal Maas, Michael D. Burnaman
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... sensitive. Possible refractions through the limestone. Few model constraints. Anisotropy. Unequal water depths The proposed concept was that a low...
M. Lee Allison
Montana Geological Society
...) and is the only major fault in the region with documented Precambrian displacement (Hoppin, 1974). As a pre-existing basement anisotropy...
Ambient Fracture Imaging: A New Passive Seismic Method
Alfred Lacazette, Jan Vermilye, Samuel Fereja, Charles Sicking
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... seismic methods can provide bulk measures of velocity and velocity anisotropy. Although these values have proven useful in many cases for fracture...
Anomalously Low Reflectance of Vitrinite, in Comparison with Other Petroleum Source-Rock Maturation Indices, from the Miocene Modelo Formation in the Los Angeles Basin, California
Ann L. Walker, Thane H. McCulloh, Neil F. Petersen, Richard J. Stewart
Pacific Section SEPM
...: A m . Assoc. Pet. G e o L Bull., v. 66, p. 1124-1129. Hevia, V., and Virgos, J.M., 1977, The rank and anisotropy of anthracites: the indicating...
Locating Abandoned Mine Shafts Using a Proton Magnetometer
Sahat Sadikun
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... ofmagnetic susceptibility anisotropy in rocks. PhD. Thesis (unpublished), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. TARLlNG, D.H., 1983. Palaeomagnetism...
Sequential Simulation for Modeling Geological Structures from Training Images
S. B. Strebelle
AAPG Special Volumes
... dimensions and anisotropy directions account for the overall geometrical characteristics of the training facies patterns. Given the data template n...
W. W. Boberg, E. W. Frodesen, J. W. Lindecke, S. J. Hendrick, R. R. Rawson, D. R. Spearing
Montana Geological Society
... unit with thin laminae, bands, and beds having greatly different resistivities than surrounding rocks. Such anisotropy must be understood...
Borehole Microseismic, Completion and Production Data Analysis to Determine Future Wellbore Placement, Spacing and Vertical Connectivity, Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas
Hemali Patel, John Johanning, Michael Fry
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., 2011). To prevent this, the event location algorithm included vertical transverse anisotropy correction. Another important aspect of data processing...
An Innovative Single Completion Design with "Y" Block and Electrical Submersible Pump for Multiple Reservoirs
Shirali C. Moradi, Lies Widaningsih
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., Ichara, M.J. & Ayestaran, L. "Performance of Perforating Completions in the Presence of Common Heterogeneities Anisotropy, Laminations or Natural...
Transtensional Analogue Modelling Applied to the Perth Basin, Western Australia
L. B. Harris, R. I. Higgins, M. C. Dentith, M. F. Middleton
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of this pre-existing anisotropy. These faults were also active during both phases, with offsets varying from section to section. A greater offset of sand layers...
Clay Mineralogy of Shale Gas Reservoirs through Integrating Infrared Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction
Hanieh Jafary Dargahi, Reza Rezaee, Bobby Pejcic
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...., A.K. Kronenberg, A.F. Gangi, B. Johnson, and B.E. Herbert, 2004, Permeability of illite-bearing shale: 1. Anisotropy and effects of clay content...