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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,237 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Drilling Optimization Using Mechanical Earth Model in an Over-Pressured Field in East Java, Indonesia: A Case Study
M. Khawadja Kamaluddin, Andi M. Adiwiarta, Somesh Bahuguna, Cicik Sukma Setya Wahyu
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... events and borehole breakout and used our observations to iteratively update the MEM. The anisotropy between the maximum and minimum horizontal stress...
Shorten the Learning Curve Through Technological Innovation: A Case Study of the Fuling Shale Gas Discovery in Sichuan Basin, SW China
Zhijun Jin, Maowen Li, Zongquan Hu, Bo Gao, Haikuan Nie, Jianhua Zhao
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... R. Wenk, F. Kets, C. Lehr, and R. Wirth, 2011, Texture and anisotropy analysis of Qusaiba shales: Geophysical Prospecting, v. 59, p. 536–556. Li, J...
High Resolution Diffraction Imaging of Small Scale Fractures in Shale and Carbonate Reservoirs
Alexander M. Popovici, Ioan Sturzu, Tijmen J. Moser
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... At the other end of the spectrum, ‘fine scale’ approaches attempt to bring out subseismic fractures, e.g. measuring seismic anisotropy using equivalent...
Microseismic Event Location Using Multiple Arrivals: Demonstration of Uncertainty Reduction
Zhishuai Zhang, James W. Rector, Michael J. Nava
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... The perforation shots were normally used for geophone orientation calibration. Because of the complexity and anisotropy of shale formation, and the poor coupling...
Developing a New Technique Through Partnering with Contractors: Reservoir Prediction Utilizing AVO Walkaway VSP Data to Calibrate Surface Seismic Gathers, a Case Study in Indonesia
Patricia L. C. Henderson, Dan Hampson, Scott Leaney, Nigel Smith, John Rice, Dave Boreham
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Scott, 1993. AVO and Anisotropy from Logs and Walkaways, Exploration Geophysics, 24, 623-630. The use of AVO techniques have in some cases...
Kraken 3DAcquisition to Interpretation on the Edge of the Browse
Jarrod Dunne
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... than act as potential exploration targets. There exists considerable uncertainty in deriving anisotropy (depth calibration) factors from nearby wells...
Enhancing Production in High Angle and Horizontal Wells Through An Integrated Workflow: Examples from The Western United States
Iain Pirie, Randy Koepsell, Alisher Yunuskhojayev, Mi Zhou, Brian Dupuis, Gabriela A. Martinez
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... Abstracts: pp. 4949-4953, doi: 10.1190/segam2013-0947.1 Jocker, J., Ferla, M., Pampuri, F., and Wielemaker, E., 2013. Seismic Anisotropy...
Styles of Deformation in the Ramp Regions of Overthrust Faults
Sandro Serra
Wyoming Geological Association
... (modes 1 and 2), a mechanical, anisotropy parallel to bedding is homogenously developed on the scale of the ramp. This is not the case where the thickness...
Key Challenges in Mature Field Development Case Study from Tanjung, Indonesia
Satrio Wibowo, Lia Wisanti, Abraham Ryan, Ninik Purwatiningsih, Jaka Sondang, R. Agung Wardhana
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... K. Jain. 2006. “Lightweight Slurries – A success story Nikitin, A. and A. Pasynkov. (2006). “Differential cased hole Sonic Anisotropy for Evaluation...
Reservoir Modelling, Structural History and Volumetrics of the Jerboa Area, Eyre Sub-Basin
Jordan McGlew, Gregory Smith
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... channel systems indicating that the sediment came from a NNW direction. The NNW anisotropy was assumed to be twice the NE-SW variance by inference...
Characterization of Fracture Length and Conductivity from Tracer Test and Production Data with Ensemble Kalman Filter
Siavash Hakim Elahi, Behnam Jafarpour
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., anisotropy in the principal stress directions, and pre-existing natural fractures. Several fracture models have been proposed in the literatures, including...
Optimizing Well Performance in Challenging Times
Ruthie Papandrea, Lane Boyer, Eric Garner, Michael Manning
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of the International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC 2011), Bangkok, Thailand, 2011. Vernik, L., and C. Landis. 1996. Elastic anisotropy of source...
A Fast Horizontal-Well Coning Evaluation Method
Pudji Permadi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of the horizontal section, wellbore position, reservoir anisotropy, and the effective drainage area contributing to the flow of oil and water. To account...
Permeability Distribution Within a Fine-Grained Lacustrine Delta, Late Pleistocene Lake Bonneville, Northern Utah
David R. Lemons, Marjorie A. Chan
Utah Geological Association
... typically reject tests for both normal and lognormal distributions. The low horizontal/vertical anisotropy ratios (generally less than 2:1; tables 4...
Challenges of Sub-Thrust Imaging Using Broadband Three-Dimensional Seismic Data: a Case Study in the Outer Banda Arc, Indonesia
Masamichi Fujimoto, Yonghe Guo, Anky Fatwa, Yuki Sasaki
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., it retains many of the Kirchhoff features, such as steep dip and overturned structure imaging, and efficient incorporation of TTI anisotropy, while at the same...
Geomechanical Modeling of Flowback Scenarios to Establish Best Practices in the Midland Basin Horizontal Program
Kurt Wilson, Ibraheem Ahmed, Kirk MacIvor
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... for bound water was 3.1%. A summary of reservoir properties can be found in Table 1. Horizontal stress anisotropy was estimated at 3%. The horizontal...
Brittleness Index - A Parameter to Embrace or Avoid?
Eliza Mathia, Ken Ratcliffe, Milly Wright
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., 2013), estimated BI values may be non-conclusive if an anisotropy effect is ignored. In this study, the comparison of three different brittleness...
Porosity Evolution of Lacustrine Organic-matter-rich Shales in China
Songtao Wu, Ling Su, Xiufen Zhai, Rukai Zhu, Jinggang Cui
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... anisotropy of shales. The Leading Edge, 2011, 30(3): 324–331. [4] Zou Caineng, Tao Shizhen, Hou Lianhua, et al. Unconven-tional petroleum geology.Beijing...
Microseismic Activity: What Does It Really Say? Insights from Coulomb Failure Function Analysis
Pierre-Francois Roux
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...erred orientation would get close to 45° from both end of the Mohr circle. Similarly, formation anisotropy would modify the stress distribution (e...
Brittleness and Rock Strength of the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota
Jingqi Xu, Steve Sonnenberg
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...-based and pure mineralogy-based brittleness models apparently do not consider all these parameters as well as the anisotropy of the rocks...
Low Cost Field Application of Pressure Transient Communication for Rapid Determination of the Upper Limit of Horizontal Well Spacing
W. Kurt Rucker, Jen Bobich, Kerstan Wallace
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... volume during stimulation. Although these are evidence of stress anisotropy and conductive tendencies, they reveal nothing about the propped volume...
An Approach for Generating Spatially and Physically Correlated Natural Fracture Network Properties for Unconventional Reservoirs
Yogendra Narayan Pandey, Jeffrey M. Yarus, Genbao Shi, Veronica Liceras
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... in this work are not limited to any regular shape and reflect the effects of the rock anisotropy. To accommodate any irregular generic shape of the fracture...
Field Conference: Neogene Detachment and Strike-Slip Faulting in the Salton Trough Region and Their Geometric and Genetic Interrelationships; Orocopia Mountains Detachment System: Progressive Development of a Tilted Crustal Slab and Half-Graben Sedimentary Basin During Regional Extension; Low-Angle Normal Faulting Along Southern Coastal California as Displayed by the Hanging-Wall Rollover Geometry of the San Onofre Breccia
Eric G. Frost, Mitra J. Fattahipour, Kevin L. Robinson
Pacific Section SEPM
... of the San Andreas system within the earlier extensional complex appears to be directly related to the crustal anisotropy developed during Oligocene...
Introduction to Poroelastic Response Monitoring Quantifying Hydraulic Fracture Geometry and SRV Permeability from Offset-Well Pressure Data
Nicolas P. Roussel, Samarth Agrawal
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and Horizontal-Stress Anisotropy. SPE 184865 presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 24-26 January. Roussel...
Cheryl L. Kirk, Ellen B. Montgomery, Marilyn Stark, Joseph R. Lukas, Kathleen A. Barrie
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... materials with application to anisotropy in basalt and heat flux through lake sediments: University of Hawaii, Manoa, Hawaii, Master's thesis...