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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,237 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Overprinting of Laramide Structural Grains in the Clarks Fork Canyon Area and Eastern Beartooth Mountains of Wyoming
Donald U. Wise
Wyoming Geological Association
... and evolving basement anisotropy which must be taken into account in any arguments about mechanics. In addition, earlier Laramide structures, dismembered...
D.L. Blackstone Jr.
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... in the Laramie basin (Flattop, Como Bluff, and McGill anticlines) trend N. 60" to 70" E., indicating that Precambrian anisotropy had a definite control...
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Upper Eocene-Upper Oligocene Lincoln Creek Formation, Porter Bluffs, Washington
Donald R. Prothero, Christopher D. Jaquette, John M. Armentrout
Pacific Section SEPM
..., and reflection anisotropy. Although these were very abundant, the absence of a high-coercivity component in most samples, and the lack of saturation...
Challenges and Solutions in Planning and Optimizing a Horizontal Well in South Sumatra, Indonesia
John Wasson, John Pairaudeau, Rahmad Wibowo, Suwardji, Hidayat Abqory, Mike Pearson
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...(AT) and Res(PD) readings is common in horizontal wells and is due primarily to "anisotropy". The well was completed with an uncemented 4.5-inch pre...
Constraints on Natural Fracture and In-situ Stress Trends of Unconventional Reservoirs in the Permian Basin, USA
David Forand, Vincent Heesakkers, Kenneth Schwartz
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... strength of the formation. It could also suggest a low stress anisotropy within the basin. In the Delaware Basin, the present-day SHmax orientation...
Reservoir Characterization of Horizontal Wells in CD Carbonate Formation with Advanced LWD Technology
Budi Abrar, Zeindra Ernando, Dian Permanasari, Ihsan Taufik Pasaribu
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... such as wash out, invasion, anisotropy, etc. This process is necessary to prepare the data input so the results make it possible to differentiate karst zones...
Integrated Modeling to Improve Well Performance in the Avalon Shale
Kurt Wilson, Eduardo Martinez, Meilin Du, Pablo Paez Yanez
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... history-match was achieved using slight tweaks to the horizontal stress anisotropy and leak-off coefficient. An example history match of a completion...
Statistical rock physics analysis and modelling in the Browse Basin
Shuichi Desaki, Yuki Kobayashi, Peter Miklavs
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
..., VTI anisotropy in the Jamieson and Echuca Shoals Formations in the Browse Basin, AEGC 2018, doi: 10.1071/ASEG2018abP004. Sayer, C. M., 2010...
Joint Inversion Vs Independent Inversion of PPPS Seismic Data Stack in Bekapai Field
Wahyu Triyoso, Madaniya Oktariena, Firman Syaifuddin, Jacques Bonnafe, Hilfan Khairy, M. Cepi Adam, Natalia Anggriani
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., and mud volcanoes • Assisting PP interpretation via Vp/Vs analysis and correlation • Augmenting conventional AVO analysis • Investigating anisotropy...
Analysis of Artificially Matured Shales With Confocal Laser Scanning Raman Microscopy: Applications to Organic Matter Characterization
Grant A. Myers, Kelsey Kehoe, Paul Hackley
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... related to the sample, including preparation (e.g. polish), heterogeneity, and anisotropy [20]. When small numbers of spectra are collected from highly...
Tests of Fracture Water and Gas Permeability on Vaca Muerta Gas Shale
Kun Su, Jorge Torres, Yonatan Sanz Perl, Pierre Barlet, Atef Onaisi, Sandrine Vidal-Gilbert
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of reactivation of natural fracture networks, stress anisotropy, the ratio of unconfined compressive strength to the maximum in situ stress, the elastic...
Precambrian Control of Laramide Faulting, Sheep Ridge Anticline, Western Owl Creek Mountains, Wyoming
J.S. Blundell, R.W. Marrs
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... thrust southward over the north margin of the Wind River Basin in Eocene timc. An :~ltcrnativcexplanation i s that Precambrian basement anisotropy...
Alluvial Architecture of Laramide Orogenic Sediments: Denver Basin, Colorado
Robert R. Crifasi
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... quantities of sand were generated once again. The thickness trends in each aquifer suggests that strong anisotropy of hydrogeologic properties exists...
Lineament Patterns on the Moon, Mars and Mercury
G. Fielder, R. J. Fryer, P. J. S. Gash, J. L. Whitford-Stark, L. Wilson
Utah Geological Association
...). The Lunar Grid System Analysis of the azimuths of all types of lineaments in a given lunar region generally reveals strong directional anisotropy...
The Origin of Stylolites
N. Prokopovich
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...-bedded sediment. The higher anisotropy of sediments in a vertical direction could have calmed the sharp ends of Malm columns. The movement...
Tectonic History of the Black Hills Uplift
Alvis L. Lisenbee
Wyoming Geological Association
... zone of anisotropy might have acted to channel magma ascent in the deeper crustal levels. Post-Uplift Phase Oligocene strata of the White River Group...
Old Red Sedimentation in the Solund District, western Norway
T. H. Nilsen
CSPG Special Publications
... and the braided nature of the stream channels tend to produce well-oriented bed form structures. The prominent anisotropy of the conglomerate fabric...
Unconventional Reservoir Characterization Using Azimuthal Seismic Diffraction Imaging
Dmitrii Merzlikin, Sergey Fomel, Xinming Wu, Mason Phillips
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... imaging to incoherence and curvature: The Leading Edge, 35, 86–89. Van Vliet, L. J., and P. W. Verbeek, 1995, Estimators for orientation and anisotropy...
Can Friction Reducers Transport Sand During Fracturing Treatment?
Lingjuan Shen, Leonid Vigderman, David Heller, Diankui Fu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... The normal stress difference is zero for a liquid that is isotropic. Friction reducer solutions can develop anisotropy in the orientation...
Induced Seismicity Near Fox Creek, Alberta: Interpretation of Source Mechanisms
Hongliang Zhang, David W. Eaton
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... artifacts due to a number of factors, such as the S/N for a given dataset, uncalibrated velocity model, anisotropy of velocity model, source location errors...
Defining the Optimal Drawdown Strategy in the Vaca Muerta Formation
Alejandro A. Lerza, Baosheng Liang, Daniela Rojas
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... ) [in] Fracture Height (Hf) [ft] SRV Size (Xi) [ft] SRV Perm [mD] Matrix Perm [mD] Drawdown [psi/hr] Hz Anisotropy [psi] Poisson Ratio Young Modulus...
Effects of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Chemistry on Shale Matrix Permeability
Abdulgader A. Alalli, Qingyun Li, Adam Jew, Arjun Kohli, John Bargar, Mark Zoback, Anthony Kovscek
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...): 20150428. Al Ismail, M., Reece, J. S., Hol, S., & Zoback, M. (2014). “The Effect of CO2 Adsorption on Permeability Anisotropy in the Eagle Ford...
Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in a Vertically and Laterally Heterogeneous Stress Media in the Permian Basin
Leonardo Cruz, Ghazal Izadi, Colleen Barton, Tobias Hoeink, Brendan Elliott
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...), and vertical containment (height), however it requires a significant understanding of the 3D in situ stress and the vertical and lateral rock anisotropy...
Identification of Fractured Volcanic Reservoir Based on Intregated Well Data and Seismic Attributes Analysis on the Java Field, North West Java Basin: Its Implication for Hydrocarbon Prospects and Development
Ongki Ari Prayoga, M. Taslim, Aji Rahmat Ginanjar, Annisa Barkah, Dhea Rizky Nurhadi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., a significant effect on reservoir fluid flow either in the form of increased reservoir permeability and reserves or increased permeability anisotropy...
Effects of Porous Properties of Rock on Near-Wellbore Hydraulic Fracture Complexity
Yongcun Feng, K. E. Gray
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...any existing studies have examined the influences of in-situ stress (anisotropy), fracturing fluid viscosity, injection rate, and rock mechani...