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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,237 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Basement-Controlled Deformation in Wyoming Province of Rocky Mountains Foreland
John James Prucha , John A. Graham , Richard P. Nickelsen
AAPG Bulletin
... are an inadequate tool to resolve the problem. Preliminary studies reported by Donath (1961) show that, in the Martinsburg Slate, planar anisotropy (foliation...
Geologic Reservoir Characterization and Evaluation of the Petrocedeno Field, Early Miocene Oficina Formation, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela
Allard W. Martinius, Jan Hegner, Inge Kaas, Celia Bejarano, Xavier Mathieu, Rune Mjos
AAPG Special Volumes
... to experiments. Pressure buildup analysis indicates a somewhat higher average permeability than measured from core. It shows a clear anisotropy...
Geothermal Energy as a Source of Heat for Oil Sands Processing in Northern Alberta, Canada
Jacek Majorowicz, Martyn Unsworth, Tom Chacko, Allan Gray, Larry Heaman, David K. Potter, Douglas R. Schmitt, Tayfun Babadagli
AAPG Special Volumes
... the distribution of in-situ fractures and seismic anisotropy. Such seismic anisotropy would be an important exploration tool in the context of EGS because...
Physiography and Sedimentary Processes of La Jolla Submarine Fan and Fan-Valley, California
F. P. Shepard , R. F. Dill , Ulrich Von Rad
AAPG Bulletin
... of turbidity currents: Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists Spec. Pub., no. 2, p. 76-107. Rees, A. I., 1965, The use of anisotropy...
Graben Hydrocarbon Occurrences and Structural Style
T. P. Harding
AAPG Bulletin
... of the fault block (Figure 25). The influence of basement anisotropy is critical in block faulting, and in some regions one or more of the fault orientations...
Thermal and Tectonic History of Selected Taranaki Basin (New Zealand) Wells Assessed by Apatite Fission Track Analysis (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... anisotropy, length bias and system calibration: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 89, p. 335-352. Green, P. F., I. R. Duddy, A. J. W. Gleadow...
Hydrogeology of Formation Waters, Northeastern Alberta Basin
Stefan Bachu, J. R. Underschultz
AAPG Bulletin
... and well scale, respectively). Values f regional-scale aquifer anisotropy are given in Table 3. SIGNIFICANCE Hydrocarbon Reservoirs The nature...
Thermogenic and Secondary Biogenic Gases, San Juan Basin, Colorado and New Mexico--Implications for Coalbed Gas Producibility
Andrew R. Scott , W. R. Kaiser , Walter B. Ayers, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
.... End_Page 1202------------------------------ coal beds where they metabolize and preferentially remove n-alkanes. Therefore, permeability anisotropy...
Influence of Lithofacies and Diagenesis on Norwegian North Sea Chalk Reservoirs
J. E. Brasher , K. R. Vagle
AAPG Bulletin
... activity and flattened clays (Figure 12B). This creates a permeability anisotropy where some horizontal permeability has been retained (although commonly...
Depositional and diagenetic controls on the reservoir quality of Lower Cretaceous Pendência sandstones, Potiguar rift basin, Brazil
Sylvia M. C. dos Anjos, Luiz F. De Ros, Rogério Schiffer de Souza, Carlos Manuel de Assis Silva, Cristiano L. Sombra
AAPG Bulletin
... and replaces micas (Figure 12b). Its preferential precipitation along micaceous levels enhances the permeability anisotropy of deltaic...
Characterization of the Mississippian chat in south-central Kansas
W. Lynn Watney, Willard J. Guy, Alan P. Byrnes
AAPG Bulletin
... ± 0.24 (1 s.d.) of maximum values, indicating that horizontal anisotropy is low. Limited comparison of vertical and maximum horizontal permeabilities...
Seal bypass systems
Joe Cartwright, Mads Huuse, Andrew Aplin
AAPG Bulletin
.... Kronenberg, A. F. Gangi, B. Johnson, and B. E. Herbert, 2004, Permeability of illite-bearing shale: 1. Anisotropy and effects of clay content and loading...
Extensional fault segmentation and linkages, Bonaparte Basin, outer North West Shelf, Australia
E. Frankowicz, K. R. McClay
AAPG Bulletin
... of these four units resulted in a strong mechanical anisotropy in the Cretaceous succession, with the fine-grained units, offset by polygonal faults...
Outcrop-based reservoir characterization of a kilometer-scale sand-injectite complex
Anthony Scott, Andrew Hurst, Mario Vigorito
AAPG Bulletin
...-permeability sandstones (15613047 md; green to blue areas). The gridding method used was natural neighbor (anisotropy of 0.1 and angle of 5). (B...
Summary of the AAPGSPESEG Hedberg Research Conference on Fundamental Controls on Flow in Carbonates
Susan Agar, Sebastian Geiger, Philippe Leonide, Juliette Lamarche, Giovanni Bertotti, Olivier Gosselin, Gary Hampson, Matt Jackson, Gareth Jones, Jeroen Kenter, Stephan Matthai, Joyce Neilson, Laura Pyrak-Nolte, Fiona Whitaker
AAPG Bulletin
... dispersion), and fluid substitution (seismic anisotropy) will also influence the seismic response.Further laboratory studies of petrophysical properties...
Pore types and pore-size distributions across thermal maturity, Eagle Ford Formation, southern Texas
Maxwell Pommer and Kitty Milliken
AAPG Bulletin
..., S. Hillier, and B. A. van der Pluijm, 2010, Fabric anisotropy induced by primary depositional variations in the silt: Clay ratio in two fine-grained...
The impact of rock composition on geomechanical properties of a shale formation: Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group shale, Northeast British Columbia, Canada
Tian Dong, Nicholas B. Harris, Korhan Ayranci, and Sheng Yang
AAPG Bulletin
.... Harris, N. B., J. L. Miskimins, and C. A. Mnich, 2011, Mechanical anisotropy in the Woodford shale, Permian Basin: Origin, magnitude, and scale: Leading...
Understanding and distinguishing reflectance measurements of solid bitumen and vitrinite using hydrous pyrolysis: Implications to petroleum assessment
Paul C. Hackley, and Michael Lewan
AAPG Bulletin
.... 340–355, doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2011.01.011. Levine, J. R., and A. Davis, 1984, Optical anisotropy of coals as an indicator of tectonic deformation...
Basin-scale, high-resolution three-dimensional facies modeling of tectonically confined turbidites: An example from the Firenzuola system (Marnoso-arenacea Formation, northern Apennines, Italy)
Alessio Tagliaferri, Roberto Tinterri, Marco Pontiggia, Andrea Da Pra, Giancarlo Davoli, and Enrico Bonamini
AAPG Bulletin
... by the variogram. The variogram is defined by three axes, whose dimension (anisotropy range) and orientation can be selected by the modeler according...
Comprehensive pressure core analysis for hydrate-bearing sediments from Gulf of Mexico Green Canyon Block 955, including assessments of geomechanical viscous behavior and nuclear magnetic resonance permeability
Jun Yoneda, Yusuke Jin, Michihiro Muraoka, Motoi Oshima, Kiyofumi Suzuki, William F. Waite, and Peter B. Flemings
AAPG Bulletin
..., which is in contact in the vertical direction, showed a slightly smaller number. This may happen though anisotropy because of the lamination...
2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition,15-18 November 2009 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, #90100 (2009)
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AAPG GEO 2010 Middle East, Geoscience Conference & Exhibition, Innovative Geoscience Solutions – Meeting Hydrocarbon Demand in Changing Times, March 7-10, 2010 – Manama, Bahrain, #90105 (2010)
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2011 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Milan, Italy, 23-26 October 2011., - Abstracts, #90135 (2011).
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First MAPG International Conference & Exhibition, October 28-31, 2007, Marrakech, Morocco - Abstracts, #90074 (2008)
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