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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,237 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Assessment of Rock Types Properties in a South American Unconventional Shale Play
Jean-Philippe Mathieu, Jean-Pierre Leduc, Jonathan Pelletier, Sandrine Vidal-Gilbert, Kun Su, Mariano F. Raverta
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... GPa in the direction perpendicular to bedding (E33). The ratio of anisotropy E11/E33 is around 1.5. Scratch test continuously measures the normal...
Depositional Environments and Diagenesis of the Madison Limestone, Northern Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming
David R. Lageson
Wyoming Geological Association
... nonconformity. During progressive deformation, anisotropy across the nonconformity must result in different modes of deformation. As Stearns (1971) pointed...
Water Weakening: Case Study From Marcellus and Woodford
Ishank Gupta, Carl H. Sondergeld, Chandra S. Rai, Ronny Hofmann
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Influence of water content and anisotropy on the strength and deformability of low porosity meta-sedimentary rocks under triaxial compression...
Crust and Upper Mantle Structure and the Origin of the Peace River Arch
R.A. Stephenson, C.A. Zelt, R.M. Ellis, Z. Hajnal, P. Morel-A-L'Huissier, R.F. Mereu, D.J. Northey, G.F. West, E.R. Kanasewich
CSPG Bulletin
..., the crustal and upper mantle features that are apparently associated with the Arch, for example the inferred structural anisotropy at the base...
Rapid Quantification of Mineralogy, Organic Matter, and Thermal Maturity of Cuttings With Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS): A Permian Basin Case Study
MaryEllen L. Loan, Michael M. Herron, Paul Craddock, Romain Prioul, Michael Prange, Kenneth M. Schwartz, Alyssa M. Charsky
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., orientations, and anisotropy of in-situ stresses. However, rock properties such as elastic properties and strength, which depend on mineralogy and rock...
Hydraulic Fracture Diagnostics and Stress Interference Analysis by Water Hammer Signatures in Multi-Stage Pumping Data
Jongsoo Hwang, Matthew J. Szabian, Mukul Sharma
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...-by-Stage Escalation to Determine Fracture Height and HorizontalStress Anisotropy. Presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference...
Characterizing and Modeling Multi-Scale Natural Fractures in the Ordovician-Silurian Wufeng-Longmaxi Shale Formation in South Sichuan Basin
Qin Jun, Chenggang Xian, Xing Liang, Chuanduan Zhao, Gaocheng Wang, Lizhi Wang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... show than from an intact rock zone. If dipole sonic logs are available, natural fracture corridors often have stronger sonic anisotropy measured from...
Metamorphic "klippen" in the Diamond Mountains, Nevada, and the Implications for Mesozoic Shortening and Cenozoic Extension
Phyllis A. Camiller
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...:~cl:r, p. 59-72 IJe~rolcun~ interpreted :IS klippen o f Orclovician str:rt:l belonging to Davits, M.V., 1997, 'The role of mcch:mic;d anisotropy...
Unique Multidisciplinary Approach to Model and Optimize Pad Refracturing in the Haynesville Shale
Tao Xu, Garrett Lindsay, Jason Baihly, Raj Malpani, Efe Ejofodomi, Dan Shan
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... 10 years of production. This observation is primarily due to the original high horizontal stress anisotropy that influences the observed planar-type...
Source rock analysis of the Lower Jurassic "Nordegg Member" and oil-source rock correlations, northwestern Alberta and northeastern British Columbia
C.L. Riediger, M.G. Fowler,, L.R. Snowdon, F. Goodarzi, P.W. Brooks
CSPG Bulletin
.... 19-24. Goodarzi, F. and Murchison, D.G. 1978. Influence of heating-rate variation on the anisotropy of carbonized vitrinites. Fuel, v. 57, p. 273-284...
A Comparative Study of the Effects of Clay Content on the Fracture Conductivity of the Eagle Ford Shale and Marcellus Shale Formations
Jesse Guerra, Ding Zhu, A Daniel Hill
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... The Effects of Fracture Orientation and Anisotropy on Hydraulic Fracture Conductivity in the Marcellus Shale. MS Thesis, Texas A&M University, College...
Modeling of Fluid Injection in Depleted Parent Wells to Minimize Damage Due to Frac-Hits
Deepen P. Gala, Ripudaman Manchanda, Mukul Sharma
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of Shmax is much more than in the direction of Shmin. This implies that stress anisotropy in the horizontal direction also changes because of fluid...
Integrating Microseismic, Geomechanics, Hydraulic Fracture Modeling, and Reservoir Simulation to Characterize Parent Well Depletion and Infill Well Performance in the Bakken
Craig L. Cipolla, Monet Motiee, Aicha Kechemir
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... = radioactive = standard cubic feet, L3 = horizontal stress anisotropy, σH - σh, F/ L2 = hydraulic fracture half-length, L = minimum horizontal stress, F/ L2...
Assessment of Porosity from Outcrops of Vuggy Carbonate and Application to Cores
L.B. McNamara, N.C. Wardlaw, M. McKellar
CSPG Bulletin
... and Huijbregts, Ch. J. 1978. Mining Geostatistics. Academic Press Inc., London, 600p. Lake, L.W. 1988. The origins of anisotropy. Journal...
Material-Balance Approach for Determining Drainage Volume of Multifracture Unconventional Oil Wells
S. Amin Gherabati
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... Anisotropy.” In SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition. The Woodlands, Texas. Shelokov, V., M. Sarkar, and R. Wydrinski. 2017...
Laboratory Evaluation of Apparent Conductivity of Ultra-Fine Particulates
Janette Cortez-Montalvo, Ubong Inyang, Ron Dusterhoft, DanDan Hu, Maria Apostolopoulou
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... by the UFP concentration, core mineralogy, and sample anisotropy of the outcrop cores used for this study. Field applications of UFP materials have...
The Thermal Evolution and Timing of Hydrocarbon Generation in the Maritimes Basin of Eastern Canada: Evidence from Apatite fission Track Data
A.M. Grist, R.J. Ryan, M. Zentilli
CSPG Bulletin
... reduction in apatite: combined influences of inherent instability, annealing anisotropy, length bias and system calibration. Earth and Planetary Science...
Unconventional Reservoir Development in Egypts Western Desert: Lessons Learned From the First Appraisal Wells
Mohamed Salah, Mazher Ibrahim
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... injection test (DFIT) data were used to constrain the minimum horizontal stress (Shmin). Figure 11 Effect of stress anisotropy on the propagation...
Use of Rate-Transient Analysis Techniques for Evaluating Experimental Core Permeability Tests for Unconventional Reservoirs
Atena Vahedian, Chris R. Clarkson, Amin Ghanizadeh, Behnam Zanganeh, Chengyao Song, Hamidreza Hamdi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Characterization of anisotropy in the permeability of organic-rich shales. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 133, 496-506. https://doi.org/10.1016/j...
Frontal Foothills Structures in Central Alberta: The Thin End of the Intercutaneous Wedge?
Andrew G. Skuce
CSPG Bulletin
.... Therefore, models that exclude the mechanical anisotropy introduced by sedimentary layering, a necessary condition for the formation of triangle zones...
Geometry and Kinematics of a Passive-Roof Duplex in the Interior of the Idaho-Wyoming-Northern Utah Thrust Belt
J. S. Chester
CSPG Bulletin
.... Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, p. 618. Chester, J.S. 1992a. Role of mechanical anisotropy in the internal evolution...
Comparative Laboratory Scale Reservoir Study on Geomechanical Property Alterations Arising from Osmosis Pressure Distribution Within Clay Rich Shales
Olawale Adekunle, Azra N. Tutuncu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... and Tutuncu A. N., 2011, Impacts of fluid and anisotropy on acoustic, deformation and failure characteristics of reservoir shales and pure clay Minerals...
Sedimentary Basins and Basement Highs Beneath the Polar Shelf North of Axel Heiberg and Meighen Islands
D.A. Forsyth, I. Asudeh, D. White, R. Jackson, R.A. Stephenson, A.F. Embry, M. Argyle
CSPG Bulletin
..., 1981. Crustal structure and velocity anisotropy beneath the Beaufort Sea: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 18, p. 724-741. Mooney, H.M. 1983...
Kharyaga, Komi Republic, Example of a Late Devonian Karstified Field: Consequences for the Reservoir Characteristics
Philippe A. Lapointe
Special Publications of SEPM
.... This is explained by the karst anisotropy. In karst reservoirs, the drainage increases because the caves have a very high, locally infinite, permeability...
Carbonate-Cemented Zones in the Lower Tuscaloosa Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Southwestern Mississippi
Lisa L. Minter , Christopher P. Cameron , Andrew R. Thomas , William C. Ward
GCAGS Transactions
...). Where conditions of permeability anisotropy exist within a sediment, "concretions" such as the ankerite-cemented streaks occurring in the Lower...