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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,237 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Genetic Indices in Hyperpycnal Systems: A Case Study in the Late OligoceneEarly Miocene Merecure Formation, Maturin Subbasin, Venezuela
Carlos Zavala, Jose Marcano, Jair Carvajal, Manuel Delgado
AAPG Special Volumes
... anisotropy in flow velocity that results in the accumulation of fine-grained deposits in flow-margin areas (levee deposits) having similar characteristics...
Spectral Decomposition in a Heavy-oil and Bitumen Sand Reservoir
Carmen C. Dumitrescu, Larry Lines
AAPG Special Volumes
..., and (4) incorporation of AVO results into risk and reserves assessment. Some factors such as lithology, tuning, and overburden anisotropy effects have...
Fractures, Hydraulic Injections, and Strain Accommodation in the Tensleep Formation at Flat Top Anticline, Carbon County, Wyoming
John C. Lorenz
AAPG Special Volumes
... in the plane defined by the maximum and intermediate principle stresses, but if little stress anisotropy exists in poorly consolidated sands...
Seismic Geomorphology and Evolution of Submarine Channels from the Angolan Continental Margin
M.J.R. Gee, R.L. Gawthorpe, K. Bakke, S.J. Friedmann
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...-current overspill from the Amazon Channel: texture of the silt/sand load, paleoflow from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, and implications for flow...
Structure of Argentine Continental Margin
William J. Ludwig , John I. Ewing , Maurice Ewing
AAPG Bulletin
... commonly exhibit marked anisotropy with sound velocity dependent on the direction of propagation. Inhomogeneities in the layers may cause the arrivals...
Pre-Cretaceous Rocks of Northwestern Honduras: Basement Terrane in Sierra de Omoa
Gregory S. Horne , George S. Clark , Paul Pushkar
AAPG Bulletin
... style but along the same o ientation of anisotropy. If this hypothesis is correct, then orientation of fold axes in these strata would indicate...
Resedimented Facies in Ventura Basin, California, and Model of Longitudinal Transport of Turbidity Currents
Kenneth J. Hsu , Kerry Kelts , James W. Valentine
AAPG Bulletin
... anisotropy (Nanz, 1960) and the preferred grain orientation of all samples parallels the sand trend, as predicted by the hypothesis of longitudinal...
AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, September 7-10, 1997, Vienna, Austria, - Abstracts, #90942 (1997).
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Displacement Geometry in the Volume Containing a Single Normal Fault
Jim A. M. Barnett , John Mortimer , John H. Rippon , John J. Walsh , Juan Watterson
AAPG Bulletin
..., greater than the horizontal gradient. This difference may be due to the material anisotropy of the flat-lying sedimentary successions. Displacement...
Structural Profiles of Ouachita Mountains, Western Arkansas
Ann E. Blythe , Arnon Sugar , Stephen P. Phipps
AAPG Bulletin
... complex, and that the southward vergence seen in these rocks today may be the result of a strong seaward-dipping anisotropy typically developed in some...
Application of Borehole Images to Three-Dimensional Geometric Modeling of Eolian Sandstone Reservoirs, Permian Rotliegende, North Sea
Stefan M. Luthi, Jayanth R. Banavar
AAPG Bulletin
... (1987) and M. A. Chandler, G. Kocurek, D. J. Coggin, and L. W. Lake (1988, personal communication). Permeability anisotropy variations...
Computer-Generated Corelike Descriptions from Open-Hole Logs (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... are distinguished from shaly sandstone intervals with dispersed clay. The influence of such laminations on the vertical permeability anisotropy can...
Causes and Spatial Distribution of Anomalous Magnetization in Hydrocarbon Seepage Environments (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... and orientations of geochemical plumes depend on fluid potential gradients, which are determined by topographic relief, buoyancy, anisotropy, bedding, structure...
Evolution of Porosity and Permeability in the Lower Cretaceous Travis Peak Formation, East Texas (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... that even small-scale anisotropy may have an effect on permeability. At least part of the variation in average permeability among samples from different...
A Two-Dimensional Model of Overpressure Development and Gas Accumulation in Venture Field, Eastern Canada (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... to permeability (for any lithology), we mean horizontal permeability (K[h]). Vertical permeability (K[v]) is related to K[h] by an user-imposed anisotropy ratio, K...
Geometry and Development of Relay Ramps in Normal Fault Systems
D. C. P. Peacock , D. J. Sanderson
AAPG Bulletin
.... Sanderson, 1992, Effects of layering and anisotropy on fault geometry: Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 149, p. 793-802. Pollard, D. D...
Thermal Maturity of Lower Paleozoic Sedimentary Successions in Arctic Canada
Thomas Gentzis , Tim de Freitas , Fariborz Goodarzi , Michael Melchin , Alfred Lenz
AAPG Bulletin
... anisotropy at lower maturity levels than does vitrinite (Jacob, 1975; Robert, 1980). Graptolite and solid bitumen reflectances may be more similar than...
The Influence of Fault Permeability on Single-Phase Fluid Flow Near Fault-Sand Intersections: Results from Steady-State High-Resolution Models of Pressure-Driven Fluid Flow
Stephan K. Matthai , Stephen G. Roberts
AAPG Bulletin
... resolve each sand layer and calculate explicitly the gross anisotropy due to this layering. COMPUTATIONAL METHOD The geologic cross section...
Mineralization, fluid flow, and sealing properties associated with an active thrust fault: San Joaquin basin, California
Renee J. Perez, James R. Boles
AAPG Bulletin
..., v. 31, p. 14891503.Lopez, D. L., and L. Smith, 1996, Fluid flow in fault zones: Influence of hydraulic anisotropy and heterogeneity on the fluid...
Sandbox models of downward-steepening normal faults
Thomas L. Patton
AAPG Bulletin
..., and fractures may impart a strong flow anisotropy. For example, Laubach et al. (1995) recorded increased water flow along fracture swarms associated...
A scale-independent approach to fracture intensity and average spacing measurement
Orlando J. Ortega, Randall A. Marrett, Stephen E. Laubach
AAPG Bulletin
... and applications: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 18, no. 23, p. 169178.Marrett, R., 1997, Permeability, porosity, and shear-wave anisotropy from scaling...
Natural fractures in the Barnett Shale and their importance for hydraulic fracture treatments
Julia F. W. Gale, Robert M. Reed, Jon Holder
AAPG Bulletin
... anisotropy associated with fractures. Simon (2005) tried this approach in north Texas using new seismic attributes, including azimuthal interval velocity...
Late opening-mode fractures in karst-brecciated dolostones of the Lower Ordovician Ellenburger Group, west Texas: Recognition, characterization, and implications for fluid flow
Julia F. W. Gale, Leonel A. Gomez
AAPG Bulletin
... is less clear, but the orthogonal sets could reflect low stress anisotropy at the time of fracturing. This might be more likely during the burial...
Fracture permeability created by perturbed stress fields around active faults in a fractured basement reservoir
Tetsuya Tamagawa, David D. Pollard
AAPG Bulletin
... the complete stress tensor: Application to permeability anisotropy and wellbore stability: The Log Analyst, NovemberDecember, p. 2133.Byerlee, J. D., 1978...
Structural evaluation of column-height controls at a toe-thrust discovery, deep-water Niger Delta
Olga V. Kostenko, Steve J. Naruk, Willem Hack, Manuel Poupon, Hans-Jurg Meyer, Miguel Mora-Glukstad, Charles Anowai, Margaret Mordi
AAPG Bulletin
..., 2001, Slip slidin' awaySome practical implications of seismic velocity anisotropy on depth imaging: The Leading Edge, v. 19, p. 7073.MacLean, B. C...